
Monday, September 30, 2019

Theology 202 Study Guide 1

Theo 202: Quiz 1 Study online at quizlet. com/_b3aow 1. Define the doctrine of eternal security. Salvation in three tenses The Christian has the promise of God that no one can separate him from God. 1. The Christian has been saved from the guilt and penalty of sin. 2. The Christian is being saved from the habit and dominion of sin. 3. the Christian will be saved at the Lord's return. True. 13. 2. What was the significance of the council of Dort and it's impact in defining he system referred to as Calvinism Define Grace O. T. en were saved as they are in the N. T. by faith. O. T. expressed their faith by obedience to the law of God What is T. U. L. I. P. Held in 1618 in the Netherlands, determined that Arminianism was hersey, reaffirmed the reformed teaching of John Calvin, and stated their conclusiion in the five points known as TULIP 14. The good pleasure of God extended to save an undeserving sinful man. True. 3. Salvation is a dynamic quality of life, not just a passive point. Who is the founder of Arminianism How do Arminians redefine the original sin? 15. 4. Jacob Hermann.A man becomes a sinner only when he consciously and voluntarily sins, thus appropriating the sin nature of Adam. The idea that Christ wold save and then allow a convert to lose what he did not merit nor achieved in repentance, causes one to question not only His work, but also His character. Means that God first decreed to save the elect, then He decreed that Christ would die and provide salvation for them. Means the decree to save came after a person had sinned and after Christ had died for him. God decreed who would be saved (the elect) and the act of salvation in the same decree.John Wesley, John Fletcher, Francis Asbury, Charles Grandison-Finney. 5. 16. 6. How does the Arminian system depreciate the completed work of Christ by the denial of the security of the believer? Supralapsarian Total depravity. Unconditional election. Limited atonement. Irresistible grace. Perseverance of the s aints. Means a turning to God from sin on the part of the sinner. It is the human side while regeneration is the divine side. 17. What is conversion How is conversion distinguished from regeneration? Define repentance How does repentance affect intellect?How does repentance affect emotions How does repentance affect the will of man? What is faith? What is justification? 18. 7. 19. Means to change one's mind about sin. It changes our thoughts. 8. Sublapsarian 20. 9. Infralapsarian 21. It changes our feelings, makes one have genuine regret. It is an actual forsakiing of sin and an actual turning to God. (most vital) The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. An act whereby God declares a person righteous when that person accepts Gods word.Makes man perfect in God's sight, it's not that man has become perfect, only that god has declared him righteous and therefore he stands perfect in the sight of God. 10. List other church leaders that popularized the â€Å"A rminian doctrinal system. What tests that are used to verify theological truths 22. 23. 11. 1. Consistency 2. Correspondence 3. Priority of data 4. Cohesiveness 5. Thoroughness Separation. 24. 12. What does sanctification mean 25. What is regeneration? The work of God through the Holy Spirit, of placing in one who has faith, a new nature capable of doing the will of God.The Holy Spirit. 38. Bibliography is the theology of scripture Theology proper is the theology of God Christology is the theology of Christians Pneumatology is the theology of the Holy Spirit Anthropology is the theology of History What is total depravity? What is unconditional election? What is limited atonement? What is Irresistible grace? What is perserverance of the saints? What is the basis of faith? True. 39. True. 26. What is the agent of regeneration according to scripture What is the positional emphasis of adoption within the context of soteriology?What are the illustrations found in the New Testament by whi ch the doctrine of union with Christ is taught? 27. He receives the position of son of God instead of child of God like in regeneration. 1. Building and foundation- Christ is foundation and beleivers are construction material. 2. Husband and wives 3. Vine and branches, 4. Body of Christ 5. Human race and adam= union of the beliver with the second adam The relationship with God which we enter by faith in Jesus Christ. Experiential or practical sanctifiction in present life.Involves struggles of victory and defeat of the Christian. God continues to work in teh life of every Christian. Consmmational santification, for God will not complete the process until we either die or are raptured. where God rescues man from the eternal ruin and doom of sin and bestows on him the riches of His grace and eternal life Salvation ceases to be a free gift because in part a person is responsible for the retention of their salvation. Their belief in God. 40. False. 41. True. 28. 42. False. 43. 29. What is positional sanctification? What is progressive sanctification?Any man in his natural state is incapable or unable to do anything to please or gain merit before God. When a man obtains salvation because God began the process by choosing him without any outside influence. When Jesus died He died for those that were chosen by God. Since God of His own free will has chosen (elected) man and Christ has died for him then man cannot resist the power of God that brings hm to salvation. Since man has absolutely nothing to do with his salvation, he will persevere because the Saviour has declared that he has eternal life.Intellectual faith. 44. 30. 45. 46. 31. What is prospective sanctification What is salvation? 32. 47. 48. 33. How does the Arminian belief in apostasy may lead to an implied salvation-byworks doctrine? To what is the validity of one's faith measured? What is salvation accomplished (justification)? What is salvation applied? Prolegomena is the theology of things that are sai d before. 34. 35. It includes the redemption by blood, the reconciliation of man to God. It includes evangelism, regeneratioin, sanctification, and discipleship. True. 36. 37.

The idea of carrying capacity

‘By the end of the 21st century, human population growth may exceed Earth's carrying capacity'. Discuss. The thought of transporting capacity is non a new one. Transporting capacity is the maximal population size that the environment can back up without impairment ( McGraw-Hill, 2002 ) . The first thought of transporting capacity applied to natural beings was introduced in the 1980 ‘s so the construct that the Earth is a ship with merely adequate nutrient and resources to be able to prolong a finite population is non new ( Sayre 2007 ) . The population of Earth presently stands at around 6.8 billion and is expected to make 7 billion by the twelvemonth 2011. In merely 12 old ages, the population of Earth has risen by about 1 billion after a population of 6 billion was reached in 1999 ( Unknown 2009 ) . Population has been projected ; and estimated to make 9.4 billion by 2050. ( Ehrlich.P, A 2009 ) . The rate at which population is increasing causes a turning concern with the transporting capacity of the planet and whether or non the planet will be able to prolong the population. Worlds have already put strain on the environment and an increasing population puts an ever-growing strain on the environment. Human and environmental alterations that need to be considered such as clime alteration and over-consumption, new industrializing states such as India and China. Countries with rapid population growing are already happening it difficult to better, or even maintain the wellness of their people and their economic systems. ( MacKenzie 1994 ) . There are many people who believe in Ester Boserup ‘s position that human invention and inventiveness will predominate and get the better of any jobs that pose a menace to mankind. There have been many technological progresss, which has allowed for increased output of harvests, one such progress is the innovation by Fritz Haber in 1909, the N repairing procedure known as the Haber-Bosch procedure ( Matthews 2005 ) . This procedure has helped feed many 1000000s and saved them from decease and famishment ( Bhagwati 1996 ) . Many other technological progresss such as one from Norm Borlaug where he devised a system to speed up the genteelness of disease-resistant wheat and crush the root rust fungus in Mexico ( MacKenzie 2009 ) . The additions have non been without cost: dirt quality has been damaged, harvests like bananas have become less genetically diverse, rare strains of animate being have been pushed near to extinction, and home grounds have been destroyed. Increasing demand for meat besides puts force per unit area on agribusiness ( Marshall 2009 ) . However factors such as clime alteration that may take to lifting temperatures, which is accelerated by our over ingestion doing monolithic sums of pollution and usage of valuable resources is of great concern to the universes transporting capacity and even with the progresss in engineering that worlds succeeded in the hereafter still looks inexorable. The six most widely adult harvests in the universe are wheat, rice, maize, soya beans, barley and sorghum. Result suggest that outputs of corn, cotton and soya bean bead by approximately 0.6 per cent for each â€Å" degree-day † spent above 29 & A ; deg ; C. At present, agricultural parts across the US spend an norm of 57 degree-days above 29 & A ; deg ; C during the turning season. A turning season could lift to 413 degree-days by the terminal of the century ( Barley 2009 ) . Equally early as 2020 several states in Africa are likely to see a decrease in harvest outputs by up to 50 % . Droughts in Kenya have become 4 times more common in the last 25 old ages. In 2009, Kenya has had its 3rd failed crop in a row. ( Alagiah 2009 ) Overfishing of the universe ‘s oceans has besides led to great harm, doing population clangs in many species although in recent old ages, fish farms have become more widespread and they cut down the load on wild fish but have jobs of their ain with get awaying fish, inordinate nutrient ingestion, infective viruses and louse infestations ( Barley 2009 ) The job of increasing population makes the state of affairs much more hard to pull off. It may be possible that human invention and inventiveness will get the better of any troubles that mankind faces, although it does look that the bound of the planets transporting capacity is near to making it ‘s peak ; with consuming militias of minerals, oil, agricultural outputs and loss of biodiversity and that along with environmental alterations in the universe it will be hard for the full planet and that transporting capacity is a topic that needs careful consideration today.Alagiah. G ( 2009 ) . BBC Future of Food [ Television ]Barley.S ( 2009 ) . Climate tipping point defined for US harvest outputs [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.newscientist.com/article/dn17680-climate-tipping-point-defined-for-us-crop-yields.html [ Accessed ]Bhagwati.K ( 1994 ) . No Clean Hands [ Online ] Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.newscientist.com/article/mg14920116.10 0-no-clean-hands.html [ Accessed: 24/01/2010 ]Ehrlich.P, Ehrlich.A ( 2009 ) . Population: Enough of us now [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.newscientist.com/article/mg20327271.500-population-enough-of-us-now.html [ Accessed:23/01/2009 ]MacKenzie.D ( 1994 ) . Will tomorrow ‘s kids hunger? The People job [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.newscientist.com/article/mg14319413.600-will-tomorrows-children-starve-the-people-problem.html [ Accessed:24/01/2010 ]Mackenzie.D ( 2009 ) . Norm Borlaug: the adult male who fed the universe [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.newscientist.com/article/dn17778-norm-borlaug-the-man-who-fed-the-world.html [ Accessed: 25/01/2010 ]Marshall. M ( 2009 ) . Instantaneous Expert: Food and Drink [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.newscientist.com/article/dn17140-instant-expert-food-and-drink.html [ Accessed: 25/01/2010 ]Matthews.R ( 2005 ) . The existent Dr Fa ustus? [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.newscientist.com/article/mg18725172.600-the-real-dr-faustus.html [ Accessed 23/01/2010 ]McGraw-Hill ( 2002 ) . Dictionary of Environmental Science. McGraw-Hill. United States.Sayre.N ( 2007 ) . Transporting Capacity: Genesis, History and Conceptual Flaws [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //globetrotter.berkeley.edu/GreenGovernance/ColloqPapers/Sayre2007.pdf [ Accessed 23/01/2010 ]Unknown ( 2009 ) . 2009 World Population Data Sheet [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.prb.org/Publications/Datasheets/2009/2009wpds.aspx [ Accessed: 23/01/2010 ]

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Exploring Love and Loss Essay

Guiding Question: How can we compare and explore the themes of love and loss within 4 poems of our choice? This essay will be based upon the four poems â€Å"First Love† by John Clare, â€Å"Remember† by Christina Rossetti, â€Å"When We Two Parted† by Lord Byron and â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† by Christina Walsh. The themes of love and loss will be explored and compared in this essay, and we will be shown how the authors use of language, structure, and form in each poem, can be shown to portray their ideas, regarding love and loss. â€Å"First Love†, â€Å"Remember† and â€Å"When We Two Parted† have a fixed rhyme – (ABAB rhyme). However, â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† has free verse structure (no iambic pentameter) which was used to develop the idea of freedom because the poem is about â€Å"real love† and freedom. It is the only poem of the four that doesn’t stick to any rhythm, maybe this is because the author wanted to capture the reader’s attention? A good example of this is when Christina Walsh says â€Å"O husband, I am yours forever and our co-equal love will make the stars to laugh with joy. † This is one way that Christina shows freedom in her poetry. â€Å"Remember† has a patriarchal sonnet, which is where the first eight lines discuss a particular idea of loss, and the last six lines offer a resolution/conclusion of that idea. â€Å"When We Two Parted† has a blank verse and uses an iambic pentameter. An example of an iambic pentameter in â€Å"When We Two Parted† is â€Å"Half broken-hearted, to sever for years. † This shows ten syllables, and with every other being stressed, it creates intensity and a certain amount of seriousness. In these two poems, â€Å"First Love† and â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover†, the authors try their best to represent the nature of love. In reading â€Å"First Love†, john Clare gives out a clear message to the readers: How it feels when we fall in love for the first time. He expresses falling in love as something magical. He describes how his legs â€Å"refused to walk away†, in other words meaning he was totally wrapped up in love and so mesmerized by her beauty that he did not actually want to walk away. â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† is unusual. The poem represents love, but it is as If Christina Walsh doesn’t want to be possessed or worshipped, but respected instead. She thinks love means equal partnership; for example sharing things. It is not love if she does everything for her partner – â€Å"No servant will I be if that be what you ask. O lover I refuse you! † â€Å"When We Two Parted† and â€Å"Remember† both express love in different ways. â€Å"When We Two Parted† shows that you do not know what you have until you lose it. Lord Byron had many affairs and therefore when he found out that his mistress was dying, he could not openly grieve because nobody knew that they were lovers. When he found out about his mistress dying, he felt sad and depressed, but all the same felt trapped, because he could not express himself. This sadness and depression made it so hard for Byron to express his feelings, because maybe it caused her love for him to die. These four poems also represent loss in some ways. â€Å"When We Two Parted† and â€Å"Remember† are very similar. Both poems give a different kind of message to their lovers but have one thing in common – the loss of a good, strong relationship. Byron is portraying that his mistress dumped him and now he does not know how to deal with it because he is married and is having an affair. He cannot openly talk about how he feels as his affair was a secret. He also writes â€Å"A knell to mine ear† in the third stanza. This is explaining that if he hears her name, it would be like a death bell in his ears. This poem also shows love deteriorating. Christina Rossetti on the other hand, is explaining to her lover how she is dying slowly, and to move on and be happy. The first line â€Å"†¦ REMEMBER me when I am gone away† clearly tells us that this is poem is about loss and possibly death. She talks about separating from a loved one – possibly her husband – but it is not clear because in the second line she says that she will go â€Å"far away into a silent land. † This again could represent heaven – the fact that she is dying, or that she is just simply fed up of her relationship and wants to get away from everything, including love. â€Å"First Love† is the only poem out of these four that hardly represents loss (in the sense of never being to experience first love once again). It shows that he has lost his heart to her and is blinded by love. This can particularly be expressed when John Clare writes â€Å"and then my blood rushed to my face and took my eyesight quite away,† and â€Å"I could not see a single thing. † This shows that through his eyes, all he can see is her, and love, and he is overwhelmed by the feeling. However, â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† represents loss because Christina Walsh’s partner is losing out on getting her. We can see this in the first three stanzas where Christina is refusing her lover and wants to be independent. Focusing on the first two stanzas mainly, there is evidence of Christina refusing her lover; â€Å"O lover I refuse you! † (First stanza) and â€Å"Fool, I refuse you! † (Second stanza), this shows that Rossetti may perhaps be trying to express loss, but the loss of which is derived from love. This is how the poems share a link, they are on the basis of love, but some waver off into loss. These four poems show different aspects of imagery. â€Å"First Love† uses natural imagery – for example â€Å"trees†, â€Å"flowers† and â€Å"snow† to create a positive mood, but â€Å"Remember† creates a dark and depressive mood, which we can clearly see from her style of language and tone, which is morbid. We can see this when Rossetti says â€Å"†¦ REMEMBER me when I am gone away, gone far away into the silent land, when you can no more hold me by the hand, nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. † The rhyme is also important here because it increases the fluency. â€Å"When We Two Parted† also creates a dull and depressive atmosphere because we can see from the title that the relationship is over and that there is bound to be grief from both lovers. Finally, â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† expresses imagery that causes tension, as the last stanza has a turning point explaining how Christina Walsh will be with her husband forever, whereas in other stanzas she refuses her lover as mentioned above. To explore love and loss, and portray to the reader how they are felt, each writer uses a different mix of literary techniques. Similes can be very effective in comparing human emotions to items that the author can relate to. In â€Å"First Love,† One example of how John Clare uses similes is when he describes and compares his first love’s beauty to flowers – â€Å"Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower. † Clare also uses a hyperbole; â€Å"And then my blood rushed to my face and took my eyesight quite away. † This is known as a hyperbole (an exaggeration) because he isn’t literally blind, he has just lost his heart to a woman, and this highlights the phrase: love is blind, which is often heard these days. Clare was so caught up in love that he could not see anything else. He uses personification when saying â€Å"Are flowers the winters choice? † He is saying that he has never felt these feelings before, and is comparing love to snow because snow is beautiful. It was easy to picture the scene of the poems because it sounded sensible, and is backed up by a clear use of emotive language and imagery. Some things such as â€Å"snow† in â€Å"First Love† are unusual, but not unheard of, and so this results in people finding it is easy to paint a mental picture of. The ideas of love and loss in these poems are important as they show us what the speaker felt at the time. It was a personal experience to them, and the imagery they used was very effective because it took a powerful grip on the reader, and the way imagery was used, is something that readers could relate to. The authors made each poem sound as pure as possible through using literary techniques such as: metaphors, similes, hyperboles, adjectives, personification, and natural imagery. These four poems are effective because they explore the idea and theme of love and loss thoroughly enough for the readers to get a general perspective on how love and loss can affect us in everyday life.

Catal Huyuk Women Essay

The general topic is about the role of women in this early agricultural society. Catal Huyuk had a population of 8,000 people and only 2,000 houses. Also, there weren’t any streets so they had to walk along the roofs and enter their homes through their roofs. Their homes were decorated with sculptures and paintings to illustrate animals and human figurines. The author’s basic point is to explore the findings and tell from them the type of society Catal Huyuk was and the roles of both men and women. Of course there could be evidence of both matriarchies and patriarchies but finding out what were the main roles of both sexes. In today’s world we see more of a patriarchy due to men having more complex and dangerous jobs and when women do have the same job their pay isn’t equal to the men pay. Information such as women figurines was found. During the first excavations in the early 1960’s, a figurine was discovered. The sculpture was a heavyset woman sitting on a seat with an animal on each side that could possibly be leopards. It is said that the women could have worshiped a powerful mother goddess and it is likely that the figurine can be just that. It seemed that it was mostly, or started off as, a patriarchy. Ian Hodder states â€Å"cultural anthropology provides no substantiated claims for true matriarchies† (Hodder pg 78). The article has both strengths and weaknesses in my point of view. The strength of this article is the total information about Catal Huyuk and explanations of why there isn’t much evidence. The weakness of this article is that it gives more information about the settlement and not the evidence of roles. I believe that this article has been a bit limp due to the lack of evidence showing the roles of men and women. Though there wasn’t much differentiation of roles that could show that social roles weren’t important. The strongest evidence found was the diet of men and women from this settlement. The only evidence found in teeth was that women had more cavities than men but both had similar diets and lifestyles. Also, women did the cooking and men did the stone making. In addition, many births were taking place and many bodies were found of women who were pregnant that might show that women made more sacrifices. I’ve learned that finding out roles of men and women could be difficult depending on bones. But there could have been little evidence due to the unimportance of roles as previously mentioned. If our world showed no care to social roles, a lot of things would be different. Job preferences would definitely different. In some countries social roles aren’t important and therefore, they have less social and maybe economical problems than we do here. To follow up on the research presented I would search for more recent information and information from earlier research. Because only 18% of the site was excavated, more and more excavations could be done and more new information could be discovered.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Maternal Nursing Essay

A tool for assessment of health service systems to support maternal health and child health Health during early childhood and pregnancy has long term and wide ranging impacts on the general health of populations. Promotion of good health in pregnancy and childhood are therefore critical activities of primary health care services. Health service systems need to be organised to meet the specific needs of maternal and child care alongside the other major aspects of these services, such as acute and chronic illness care. Health care organisations require practical tools to guide efforts and evaluate changes in maternal and child health. This ABCD Systems Assessment Tool was originally designed for assessing primary care systems support for chronic illness care. The tool is based on the structure, content and principles of the Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (ACIC) survey (Bonomi et al. , 2002) and on the Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions (ICCC) Framework (WHO 2002). We have now adapted the Systems Assessment Tool for use in quality improvement activities directed at maternal and child health (MCH). This adaptation is based on key policy reports and research papers relevant to the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary care sector (see list on last page). As for the ABCD Systems Assessment Tool for chronic illness care, this MCH Systems Assessment Tool has been designed for use with health services for Indigenous Australian populations. However, it is expected to be appropriate with minor adaptation for many other settings. The intended purpose of the tool is to support ongoing quality improvement initiatives through systematic assessment of a range of elements of health service systems that have been demonstrated to be important. The tool provides for †¢ an assessment of the state of development of health service systems; †¢ guidance on next steps in planning improvements in maternal and child health care; †¢ assessment of progress in achieving system improvement. As for the ABCD Systems Assessment Tool, this MCH Systems Assessment Tool incorporates the guiding principles of the ICCC Framework: evidencebased decision making; population focus; prevention focus; quality focus; integration; and flexibility/adaptability. Version 2. 1 Last Updated 30/03/07 Activities and programs relevant to maternal and child health care can be considered in three areas: a) Clinical Services for maternal health through individual health promotion advice, clinical preventive care and the early detection of illness (includes antenatal and post natal clinics/screening, case finding, brief interventions/counselling – generally health centre based, one-to-one activities) b) Clinical services for child health through individual health promotion advice, clinical preventive care and the early detection of illness (including child health clinics, screening, growth monitoring, case finding, brief interventions/counselling – generally health centre based, one-to-one activities) c) Community or Population based programs/activities, ancillary programs for maternal and child health (eg programs or activities designed to promote nutrition, breastfeeding, physical activity, oral/dental health, mental health, environmental health, and to reduce harm from cigarette smoke or alcohol) Each of these three areas of activities is important in the effective prevention and management of maternal and child ill health and the prevention of chronic illness in later years. The quality of systems in place to support each of these three areas of activities or programs may differ quite markedly within the same health centre or health service. The scoring form for this tool provides for distinct scoring of how systems support each of the areas. The prompts provided in this tool are intended only as guidance to some of the sorts of system issues that one might consider for scoring each item of the tool. These prompts are not intended to cover all relevant issues for all services. While there may be some overlap, the elements of the MCH Systems Assessment Tool can be applied separately to the assessment of systems to support a) services for maternal health; and b) services for child health. The use of this tool provides a score for the state of development of different aspects of health centre systems. These scores may be used as a guide for where improvement efforts might be focussed. The scores should be seen as a guide only, and services should base their priorities on the range of information available and the opportunities for improvement in different areas. We will welcome suggestions or feedback from services which use this tool.

UK’s Barclaycard and the Need to Outsource

In the 21st there are two terms that keep on buzzing in the headlines: globalization and global telecommunications. These two are related because if technology continues to improve then the whole planet goes high-tech – each person beginning to realise that the world is shrinking and every year or so improvements in mobile communications, the Internet and the proliferation of wireless devices makes it easier to communicate with one another. One major implication of technology change is a concept called outsourcing.This idea is nothing new but UK’s Barclaycard is just one of the many global corporations that acknowledges the need to outsource. But it is not as simple as that, Barclaycard had to make a difficult decision, to choose between two places where they can outsource a portion of their operations – whether to ship some of their work to India or the Philippines. Overview According to Richard Bolin, Director of The Flagstaff Institute, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA , the phenomenon of outsourcing is nothing new and even as early as 20 years ago there are industrialised countries who made the connection between outsourcing and profitability:Japan intentionally got rid of sewing factories to Southeast Asia by 1981. They couldn’t waste their precious labour supply on low value sewing operations. This is what outsourcing is all about. If a company does not outsource, it will die. And if its country does not find new industries to replace the inefficient ones, it will not attract new investment and better jobs. Everybody has to understand this (Bolin). Bolin is just one of many business leaders that place their faith in outsourcing and believing that this strategy is not a threat to the nation’s economy.In the long run it will benefit the economy because it will create a very efficient system where the following positive outcomes can be expected (Brown, 2005): †¢ Increase sales opportunities †¢ Prevent missed opportunities à ¢â‚¬ ¢ Reduce annual costs almost immediately †¢ Enable business to focus on core competencies †¢ Reduce or eliminate customer complaints †¢ Increase customer loyalty In a nutshell, outsourcing is the obtaining of services from an external source, outside the company.A more technical definition uses the term Business process outsourcing (BPO), â€Å"†¦BPO occurs when an organisation turns over the management of a particular business process such as accounting or payroll †¦ the underlying theory is that the BPO firm can complete the process more efficiently† (Brown, 2005). It is easy to comprehend that if global corporations fail to figure out the beauty of outsourcing then they will be left behind by their competitors.They will eat the dust left behind by those who were able to grasp the idea that allowing others to do low value operations is the future of effective business management. It is similar to hiring a driver to do the more redundant work of driving in order to free up the CEO to do more important tasks. The positive feedback is the main reason why business process outsourcing is such a hot topic in the world today. But it does not mean that everything will turn out to be great whenever a company decides to outsource part of its operations overseas.There are obviously so many things to consider. Each case must be treated separately and a thorough analysis of the operation, the core values of the company as well as pertinent information regarding the outsourcing destination must be considered prior to the decision to shut down one portion of the operations component of the firm and outsource it outside the country. Barclaycard UK A casual overview of companies that decided to outsource part of their operations overseas will reveal that most of them have a common denominator.These companies are either in the manufacturing industry or it is a business that relies heavily on Information Technology. Those in manufacturing w ill find the conditions in China particularly attractive because of the availability of cheap labour as well as the competitive costs of building and maintaining factories. Those in need of IT personnel will turn to India simply because this is a nation where there is a relatively high concentration of English speaking people that are at the same time tech-savvy and many are knowledgeable about current trends in the IT sector (Pogson, 2008).Barclaycard is one European powerhouse that could not afford not to outsource. Barclaycard is part of the Barclays Group a conglomerate that can be found in the United Kingdom. It is Europe’s largest multi-brand credit card and also provides other forms of consumer lending businesses. Barclaycard continues to lead the way in Europe and according to their official press release they are the most recognized brand in UK with over 10 million retail customers.But they are still expanding – there are currently 8. 8 million credit cards in issue outside the UK and the firm also maintains operations in over fifty countries and four continents. According to another expert, outsourcing is unavoidable and yet he cautions that it must be likened to a journey, requiring adequate planning and coordination (Pogson, 2008). This is especially true for Barclaycard. It is not an ordinary firm responsible for the manufacture of cheap products.It is a company that handles a very important aspect of European business which is the issuance of credit cards and various lending services. In other words this is a type of business that requires high level thinking and performed by not only the most technically proficient people in the planet but also those that have the highest integrity. There are three possible destinations if Barclaycard decides to outsource part of their least important operations outside the country there are three possible candidates: India, Philippines, and the Republic of Ireland.Considering first the Republic of Ireland, it is easy to gauge that it will not be as cost-effective as transferring the operations to India or the Philippines. The only possible advantage is that the Republic of Ireland is culturally similar to the UK and the English speaking inhabitants will never pose a problem in terms of communication. But other than these two considerations, it is doubtful if Ireland can compete in terms of outsourcing rates when comparing the wages of workers in Europe to those in Asia. Considering India It is not hard to put India on top of the list.There are many advantages of using the skilled workforce of India to tackle the outsourcing needs of Barclaycard. According to finance experts at Moody’s, â€Å"India will remain a top outsourcing destination because of its tech-savvy and English-proficient urban workforce whose wages are much lower than their western counterparts† (Moody’s Investors Service, 2009). The nation has a population of more than one billion people . From this number there are millions of educated English speakers entering the workforce each year (Kobayashi-Hillary, 2004).The Indian workforce provides a compelling argument as to why Barclaycard should outsource to India. Trevor Foster-Black is the managing director of Coalition Development, a UK research company that provides information to recruitment firms and he remarked that their company uses researchers from India to structure and format data and he adds, â€Å"It would be very difficult to find such high-calibre people to do similar work in London †¦ They arrive at 4am our time and everything’s finished by the time we arrive† (Kobayashi-Hillary, 2004).It is truly amazing to realise that the location of India can be a source of another advantage; in essence Barclaycard’s operations can be sustained 24 hours a day and seven days a week due to the time differences. If Barclaycard will use the same strategy in their UK offices they would incur sign ificant costs in terms of payroll alone. One can only imagine the numbers that will be generated by overtime and other costs related to keeping an operation functioning round the clock.But if they will outsource to India, the executives at the UK headquarters can send part of their workload to their people in India and they can work while the executives are going to bed. This ensures that workflow is not interrupted and therefore Barclaycard can achieve cost-efficiency very quickly. If Barclaycard will outsource all of its call centres to India then the same level of efficiency and cost savings can be expected. The English speaking workforce in India will ensure that credit card holders can be assured of easy access to customer representatives 24/7 wherever they are in the world.The low outsourcing rates in India will also allow Barclaycard to maintain a 24 hour cycle operations without downtime and therefore Barclaycard is just a phone call away whenever a customer encountered prob lems with their credit cards. Barclaycard will definitely find it worthwhile to invest in India but globalization as well as rapid development in technology can create weakness out of strength. This means that India can be a victim of its own success. According to one commentary there are two issues that concerns would be investors: 1) security; and 2) the unravelling of a top IT service provider, Satyam.These problems are forcing European companies to create more geographically dispersed portfolio of IT outsourcing providers (Overby, 2009). India is bordered by Pakistan on one side and one only has to remember Pakistan’s association with extremists groups to understand the spate of terrorist attacks in India. It is high time therefore to consider an alternative and a quick glance at Asia will reveal that there is none better than the Philippines. Considering the Philippines There are many advantages in choosing this country as a BPO destination and these are listed as follow s:1. Outsourcing rates are low and can easily compete with those of India; 2. Transportation such as flights coming from the Western hemisphere is arguably better than other Asian countries; 3. It is culturally compatible with the United States because it was a U. S. commonwealth in the early 20th century up to 1946; 4. English is widely spoken and can be considered as the second national language; and 5. The most successful outsourcing engagements in this country are for call centres (Mezak, 2006).If seems that both countries are evenly matched in many aspects pertaining to BPO. The Philippines can boast of a highly-skilled workforce considering that it has one of the highest literacy rates in Asia, even higher than India. The only reason that India can offer more tech-savvy workers is due to the fact that there are a billion people in India while the Philippines has only less than one hundred million people. But in the English department both countries can provide excellent servic e.When the Americans came to this nation in the early part of the 20th century the country was exposed to world class education systems and even if the Americans left in the middle of the 20th century the Filipinos were able to adapt and they were able to create a system that can produce top calibre graduates annually. But there is one problem with the Philippines, â€Å"†¦it is the lack of skilled project management and experience with large software development projects †¦ it is easier to find body shops offering programmers than vendors with well-structured and well-managed teams of programmers† (Mezak, 2006).This is where India has a clear advantage over this tiny island nation. Yet, again the Philippines will not give up that easily, based on a 2007 report, Barclaycard already closed its call centre in Manchester and since the Philippines excelled in this type of business process outsourcing then it must be considered as a future destination of Barclaycard†™s call centres. Conclusion Without a doubt, outsourcing is a must if a global conglomerate hopes to stay competitive in the 21st century.If one considers outsourcing, there are three things will easily come to mind, cost-efficiency, cost-efficiency and more cost-efficiency. There is no executive in this planet that will pass up the opportunity to streamline operations and make more money in the process while retaining customer loyalty through the creation of customer friendly operations. With globalisation comes wage increase and various overhead costs that can easily force a company to bankruptcy if excess fat is not trimmed down.Instead of reducing the size of the company it is much better to outsource. With the advent of modern technology and the efficiency of 21st century transportation services it is easy to do business on a global scale. Barclaycard is just one of the many European powerhouses eager to outsource and there are three destinations: the Republic of Ireland, the Philippines and India. The Republic of Ireland already dropped out of contention considering that it is located in Europe and logic dictates that competitive outsourcing rates can only be found in Asia.Considering the fact that Barclaycard is into the credit card business and that outsourcing requirements entails the capability to provide English speaking and tech-savvy personnel there are only two remaining contestants bidding for the rich rewards of outsourcing contracts – India and the Philippines. At first glance it seems that India is the best choice for Barclaycard. This is because India has already proven itself in the BPO business especially in the IT sector which is a major requirement for Barclaycard.It boasts of English speaking and tech savvy personnel that can easily handle communication needs of the said UK firm. Moreover, if there is a need for programmers, the ability to communicate with English speaking Indian programmers are a definite advantage as compared to the hassle when communicating with programmers from other countries with poor English proficiency. There are other non-tangible advantages for India. While the Philippines was under the control of the American in the early part of the 20th century, India was for many centuries under the hegemony of Great Britain.If the Filipinos were heavily influenced by American culture, Indians were heavily influenced by British culture. As many will know there is quite a difference between U. S. English and U. K. English. If this is an important consideration for Barclaycard’s outsourcing needs then India will win hands down. If one combines this with the technical capabilities of Indian workers then this combination of factors will be very difficult to beat. On the other hand India has its share of weaknesses. India is suffering from a bad image following the debacle of Satyam, one of India’s top IT providers.The scandal that hounds Satyam will easily make future investors une asy with the idea that they are placing all their eggs in one basket. If this is combined with the recent spate of terrorist attacks then capital flight will most likely follow. If there are less investors willing to invest then India’s IT infrastructure will not be upgraded and more bad news will follow. The security threat is also serious because outsourcing is a strategy with inherent risks and yet CEOs are willing to beat the odds with the promise of profitability and efficiency.But if terrorist attacks will continue then there is a chance that operations can be affected. Barclaycard could not afford to lose one day of inactivity due to security problems. It is therefore logical to consider the Philippines as an alternative. It is also a nation blessed with English speaking and tech savvy personnel. Furthermore, the Philippines is lagging behind India thus it will remain competitive with its outsourcing rates to attract more customers and investors. If Barclaycard will ch oose the Philippines then it can expect more savings and therefore increase the satisfaction of key investors.On the other hand the Philippines is not yet ready to wrest the crown away from India. The debate will never end. There are strengths and weaknesses for both countries but it seems that Barclaycard has spoken. Two years ago Barclaycard made an important decision, â€Å"Barclaycard will move some of its operations to India following the announcement it is to close its Manchester call centre this summer† (Ferguson, 2007). While the Philippines is also strong in the call centre industry, India can provide something that is beyond the grasp of the Philippines.It is a country that is culturally similar to the United Kingdom and therefore the Indians are more adept with UK English as compared to the Filipinos. Furthermore, India was once under the domain of Great Britain and therefore Indian laws and their current legal system closely mirrors that of the UK and so for Barcl aycard it can be argued that it is easier to do business in India as compared to the Philippines. References Brierley, S. (2005). The Advertising Handbook. UK: Routledge. Buttle, F. (1996). Relationship Marketing. UK: Paul Chapman Publishing, Ltd. Brown, D.(2005). The Black Book of Outsourcing How to Manage the Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities. New Jersey: Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ferguson, T. (2007). â€Å"Barclaycard Closes Call Centre, Offshores to India. † CBS Interactive Retrieved 09 March 2009 from http://services. silicon. com/ offshoring/0,3800004877,39166239,00. htm Kobayashi-Hillary, M. (2004). Outsourcing to India. Germany: Springer-Verlag. Mezak, S. (2006). Software Without Borders. California: Earthrise Press. Moody's Investor's Service. (2009). â€Å"India to Remain Among Top Outsourcing Destinations: Moodys.† Retrieved 09 March 2009 from The Economic Times. http://economictimes. indiatimes. com/Infotech/ITeS/India-to-remain-among-top- outsourcing- destin ations-Moodys/rssarticleshow/4241062. cms Overby, S. (2009). â€Å"Philippines Looks Beyond the Call Center for Future Outsourcing Growth. † Retrieved 09 March 2009 from CIO Magazine http://www. cio. com/article/483178/Philippines_Looks_Beyond_the_Call_Center_for_Fut ure_Outsourcing_Growth Pogson, I. (2008). Outsourcing from the UK to the Far East. In Outsourcing and Human Resource Management R. Taplin (Ed. ). UK: Routledge

Friday, September 27, 2019

Legislative Acts (Evolution of Management Class) Essay

Legislative Acts (Evolution of Management Class) - Essay Example ERISA ensures that employees get their due benefits within the given time in a reasonable and just manner. Employees get surety and contentment that at their retirement age, they will get income security and welfare plans. As ERISA is related to employees working in any organization, therefore, the act is quite influential in business sector. The employees get satisfaction related to their retirement and there is a sense of hopefulness that they will not be left unattended at their retirement age. Due to this act and its implementation, the employees are encouraged to work in any business sector with job and income security. They do not face problems regarding their retirement as according to the act, they have their due rights such as income security and welfare plans associated with retirement. The United States department of Labor ensures that employers or other authorities, who are responsible for violating the act, are taken under check considering civil action. Criminal penalties are also imposed on the violators of the act due to which, the employers are restricted to take care of their employees (United States Department of Labor, 2009). Due to ERISA, the business is influenced to a great extent as the employers as well as employees, everyone is aware of his rights and the reaction of violating the act. The employees get a sense of security while the employers get a sense of responsibility towards his employees. ERISA is quite a significant act as it ensures that employees get their due rights even at their retirement. The act fulfils the tenets of humanistic era as the employees get reward for their work and get a sense of contentment related to their jobs with businesses. Employees are able to recognize their hardships and works related to their jobs and are also able to gain knowledge about their rights according to their jobs. ERISA makes sure that employees get what they are to get because of their jobs. The employer

The Importance of education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Importance of education - Essay Example It gives them something concrete to show would-be employers that they are capable of getting a job done and it eliminates a certain level of uncertainty that exist when hiring new employees. Education is therefore an important tool jobseekers need when entering a field. Second, aside from giving individuals credentials to prove their knowledge and capabilities, education also plays an important socializing role that molds an individual's character. By engaging in activities, classes, and other requirements that must be fulfilled while staying in a college or university, students partake in a microcosm of the real world where every person has roles to fulfill, deadlines to meet, and peers and superiors to deal with. It allows them to participate in an environment that is similar to the "real world" while learning important life lessons. In addition, it also molds an individual's character by instilling in him discipline and work ethics. Studying and completing assignments and projects teach individuals more than just concepts and theories about a subject matter.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Critically Assess and evaluate total reward packages as a contributory Essay

Critically Assess and evaluate total reward packages as a contributory factor in employee retention A case study based on Marks & Spencers(the orderno - Essay Example This research focuses on a particular case study within Marks and Spencer, a major UK superstore to understand the impact of rewards, incentives and performance appraisal on employee motivation and performance. Marks and Spencer is a leading name in retailing within the UK. The company maintains that the rewards package given to its employees is flexible, competitive, focused on superior results and is aimed to support personal choices of personal lifestyles. The elements of the reward packages of the company include fixed and competitive pay rates, variable performance related pay and a wide range of other benefits (marksandspencer.com, 2006). In this study we prepare a detailed questionnaire to understand the impact of these benefits, payment and reward systems on employees and we also determine whether these rewards actually help in improving motivation and how this would relate to improved company performance. Marks and Spencer has boasted of 73% employee retention over 2004-2005 and retention may be considered as an important indicator of employee satisfaction and motivation (MarksandSpencer.com, 2006). Questionnaires are distributed to employees of Marks and Spencer to determine whether rewards systems given to them have a positive impact on their motivation and performance levels and aid them in heir decision to work for one company for a long period of time. The participants are employees of Marks and Spencer working in customer service divisions and 100 completed questionnaires are obtained and the data compiled are analysed for employee motivation and satisfaction levels that provide an indication of the employee retention level within a company. Marks and Spencer claims a high percentage of employee retention. The questionnaires are aimed to determine employee expectations, rewards given, job satisfaction, employee motivation, years of service and performance levels. Literature Review Companies use different means of rewarding employees and Brody et al (2001) discuss merit pay plans used by companies to motivate and reward employees. The theory of motivation would highlight that rewards and reinforcement for individual accomplishments should produce positive results although there may also be negative outcomes (Brody et al, 2001). Brody et al suggest in their study that when individuals are involved in hiring and merit allocation for employees, their prior commitments have significant effects on rewards allocated to the employees. This shows that a manager's personal involvement with employees can lead to increased merit allocation and rewards. This study highlights the factors that determine merit allocation and rewards which may not be completely dependent on employee performance and also large depends on interpersonal relationships within the workplace. Rewards could be largely based on performance ratings and it would be important to understand how employees perceive these ratings of their performance. Smith and Rupp (2004) state that a major purpose of having performance appraisals of employees is to determine individual merit which in turn help in determining whether merit pay or benefits would be given to

Analysis of Across the Universe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Across the Universe - Essay Example The aesthetic regime can be seen in creating scenes that just seem to be there to add to the feeling of the film, without adding much or any information, and sometimes lacking in any dialog, such as the scenes of swimming, or the scenes of the carnival. They most likely are not even real, just there to imply drug trips. It is irrelevant to argue whether or not â€Å"Across the Universe† is art because it is a representation of reality, as Arnheim's perspective of cinema fits well with this movie because it is not an actual representation of reality at all. Big blue men dance at the carnival, imaginary joints produce real smoke, and giant creatures flail about. However, in adding elements such as those, one could argue that the character of certain objects are not strengthened but destroyed in a very informal manner. This is only done to further enhance our perceptions of certain aspects of the movie, such as raw feelings that have no actual, physical equivalent. While watching â€Å"Across the Universe†, it is easy to have more faith in Bergson's ideas of movements in cinema. Throughout the movie there seems to be this phenomenon of moving continuity, everything constantly flowing and changing, yet remaining the same. This perception of movement fits this particular movie more than the more concrete, or grounded view of Deleuze. The sensory-motor schema is frequently thrown out throughout the course of this, movie. Indeed, as quoted in the notes, the characters do seem to go off on a trip, to wonder about.

Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Review - Essay Example The organizational model provided by Miner also provides for evolution by providing for these three aspects of structural change in processes. Formalized job systems that are coordinated by management form the basis for replication of job activities. Variation in these processes is provided for through idiosyncratic jobs created specifically around particular people. The mechanisms in place for elimination of some processes over time is achieved in the model through managerial actions such as layoffs, budget changes and reorganization, so that some jobs are selectively retained while others which are not beneficial for further evolution of the organization are eliminated. This study is important because it demonstrates how strategic planning or organizational change and evolution requires the establishment of clear and stable goals. As a result, to some extent formalization of internal organizational processes is necessary, and this does not necessarily deter the process of evolutionary change. Since some processes within the organization are created through the process of innovation in responses to they changes in the environment, these processes must be formalized in order to ensure that useful activities are identified and preserved, so that they continue to contribute to organizational efficiency. The model proposed by the author has provided concrete mechanisms to deal with the issue of selective job retention, through the establishment of definite boundaries and providing for adaptation, while also clarifying that such adaptations are not necessarily guaranteed, because they will depend upon the environment and the feasibility of carrying them out†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦345 words 2. The article by R.M. Cantor (2003) deals with the changes in organizational pathology that occur when a distressed organization is turned around from failure and set on the

UAE Courts and Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

UAE Courts and Law - Assignment Example The judiciary of UAE is constitutionally independent that also includes the Federal Supreme Court. Ras- al Khaimah and Dubai are not the part of the Federal judiciary of UAE. There is a separate Islamic and Secular law for the criminal court, high court and civil courts. The court system of UAE comprises of civil and Sharia Courts. The testimony of a woman is considered half valuable as that of a man in criminal cases. There is an exclusive jurisdiction present in the courts of Sharia to hear the disputes of families, including cases such as the custody of a child, divorce, guardianship, inheritance and child abuse. Sharia courts that are present only at the federal level listen to the appeals of criminal cases such as certain criminal cases, robbery, driving while drunk and rape. Civil Law Case The Civil Case of UAE against the 17 bootleg killers The reconciliation committee sent this case to the court for both the parties failed to make the decision and reach a single conclusion re garding the claim that was filed by the murdered man’s brother named Misri Khan. He also claimed that he was seriously injured in the fight take took the life of his brother. Thamer Hassan, the lawyer of Misri Khan said in an interview that the judge has approved that their case should be transferred to the civil court. He further added that his client has suffered from serious injury and had nearly 70 percent of disability. The claim registered by Misri Khan had been reduced from DH 1million to DH 500, 000; although the day of the hearing has not yet been decided by the court. The lawyer of the 17 men also recorded his comments by saying that the court was sent to the federal court only because Misri Khan did not settled the claim out of the court. About DH 3.4 million were paid by the killers to the family of the murdered man in order to settle the claim. This money was also paid by the killer to the family of the murdered man and the victim (Misri Khan) in exchange of pard on and as blood money. The death sentences of the murderers have been computed by the court but the prosecutor has successfully registered an appeal against this verdict of the court. The murders have also been facing another suit that has been filed by Misri Khan, who claimed that he has been seriously injured during the brawl (Kannan). This is a civil case that was filed by Misri Khan who was the brother of the murdered man and the victim as well. The hearing of the case is still on pending but the killers of Misri Khan’s brother have been sentenced to death and they have also paid heavy compensation in exchange of pardon. This kind of case shows the supremacy of the civil rights in UAE. In this particular case the family of the victim not only received compensation but the killers were also sentenced to death. This highlights that how just is the Judiciary of UAE that works to provide justice to the citizens of their country. Shariat Law In UAE according to the Shariat Law a man has the right that he can discipline his children and wife as long as he does not leave any physical marks on their body. There was a case registered in October 2010, in which a man was found guilty for slapping and beating his wife and daughter. There were several bruise found on the hand and knee of the girl and severe injuries were present on the lower teeth and lip of the girl. The court claimed that the bruises and the injuries give evidence that the man has abused the Shariat rights of his wife and daughter. In the case of the man’s wife the law of Shariat has definitely been violated as the injuries resulted from the beating were severe whereas the age of the daughter was 23 and she was too old to be disciplined by

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Counseling a Person with Developmental Disability Essay

Counseling a Person with Developmental Disability - Essay Example These are some of the spheres of life where persons with disabilities are faced with difficult moments.  Ã‚   They are likely to face great challenges when they come to look for a meaningful employment. If they are in wheel chairs, who is likely to employ them and   how do they find a job that will need to be implemented by a person in a wheel chair/ these are some of the most important changes that  Ã‚   they face when they are looking fro employment. In some cases, employers will specify what kin do person they need and they use a criterion which automatically eliminates those will development challenges. Therefore counseling can be important to assist them to get to know where they can find their probable employment despite the kind of disabilities that they may be facing. Disabled people find it hard to get friends. They are few people who are likely to associate with   them and therefore it is only those who   probably have disability who are likely to associate with t hem as such   people with disability are faced with eth enormous challenge of finding   the right kind of people that   they can associate with. (Koscuilek, 2004) They are also faced with the same challenge when it comes to be accepted to their families. In this case disabled people face a hard challenge in gaining acceptance even in their family. Some family will take them as a family disgrace and therefore they will have few family members who can support them in they endeavors. Undergoing a successful counseling will help these people to form a cordial relationship.

Finance & Public Expenditure in Scotland Since Devolution Essay

Finance & Public Expenditure in Scotland Since Devolution - Essay Example As an after effect of the constitutional change in UK, the distribution of revenue throughout the regional and territorial government in relation to its corresponding public expenditure was greatly affected. (McLean, 2003) In order to minimize and prevent an unfair distribution of UK revenue among the Enlish and British territories such as the Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, the need to examine the Barnett and the traditional Goschen formula used in the allocation of money to its corresponding territories arises. In line with the increasing concern over the use of Barnett and Goschen formula in the United Kingdom, the researcher will first conduct an in-depth analytical research study on the budgetary, financial arrangements, and public expenditure of Scotland including the impact of devolution over its finances. In the process, the researcher will discuss a brief history behind Scotland’s financial arrangements prior to devolution in 1999 including the application of the Goschen formula. The researcher will also provide an analytical description of the Barnett formula since its inception back in 1978 and subsequent revival in 1992. Eventually, the researcher will examine the strength and weaknesses of using the Barnett formula versus the Goschen formula. As stated in the third edition of the Statement of Funding Policy that was published by the Treasury back in July 2002, the financial arrangement between the United Kingdom and the Administration in Scotland follows the conventions for Scotland way back before the devolution. (Scotland Office, n.d.) Using the public expenditure framework controlled by the UK government, the HM Treasury allocates budget for the public expenditure of U.K., Scottish Executive, and Northern Ireland. The devolved Scotland administration normally receives a block grant. There are legally two components under a block grant known as the: (a) redistributed national non-domestic rates (NNDR); and (b) the Revenue Support

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Best Lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Best Lesson - Essay Example An excellent model suchs as the CALLA model enables learners to approach instructional paradigms from a well-grounded and a critical standpoint. The strategy of teaching English as a Second Language for university students usually begin with a theoretical background that explains and justifies the premises of the instructional approaches to be presented. This practice helps the mastery of the important theories and helps acquire practical strategies for effective classroom teaching. The best lesson in the online module provide its learners with a principled set of instructional tools for teaching English to learners of English as a Second Language. I rated the CALLA Model of Ana Chamost and Michael O'Malley with a perfect grade of 10 out of 10 as the best lesson among the three lessons which were presented. The major reasons for this high rating are the CALLA Model considers the development of effective instructional skills for the teachers and it relies on a clear realization of the fundamental precepts that guide the teachers' prevailing beliefs and practices. In this model, the teachers take into account a variety of approaches, several underlying assumptions, and the specific practices that their teaching philosophy inspires. (Yates & Muchisky, 2003). The best lesson is that of the CALLA Model of Ana Chamot and Michael O'Malley which integrated grade level content, language and strategy instruction. The two researchers found that the group of ESLs identified by their teachers were very successful as they utilized a variety of strategies and were conscious as to the why to use, when to use, how to use and why the specific strategies were being used.This research led to the CALLA model or Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (Chamot and O'Malley, 1994) that integrates grade-level content, language, and strategy instruction. The three strategies included in the CALLA approach are metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and social affective strategies. In this model, the students use the new information and skills they learn. The teaching and learning approaches encompass collaboration, inquiry, problem-solving and hands-on experience. These strategies are used by teachers when they predict, organize, evaluate, infer, question and summarize. The teachers of English learners need to be explicit in teaching these strategies. Students should be taught the declarative knowledge of the strategy. Then students should be given the strict procedural knowledge on how to use the strategy. Once the declarative and procedural knowledge are clear, students are then taught the conditional knowledge or when and why it would be appropriate to use the strategy. (Paris, Cross and Lipson, 1994).I gave the second lesson which is on interaction a grade of 8 out of a grade of perfect 10. I fully agree that interaction between students and teachers is necessary for English learners to help them develop their reading and speaking skill s for the language. However, I do understand that some English learners in developing countries may not have had the

Freudian Approach to Personality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Freudian Approach to Personality - Essay Example It considers the reality of the situation; but its main function is satisfying id. At the end of the phallic stage of development, when the child attains the age of approximately 5 years, super-ego develops due to the moral and ethical constraints placed on the individual by the parents or caregivers. Super-ego is the budding morality or the human conscience that dictates right and wrong and makes the individual hesitate from hurting others. Super-ego is the careful side of the growing child which will stand by it all its life and makes the child more responsible and sociable. Freud said that in a healthy person, ego remains the strongest, because it has to satisfy id, but it will not override super-ego and that makes the individual judgemental, moral, self-righteous, caring and considerate. He believed that at a conscious level, we experience feelings, emotions, desires, impulses and beliefs. He said most of what drives an individual is buried in the unconscious and the unconscious would keep affecting the individual all his life. The impact of the unconscious can never be ruled out and most of the individual's decisions are based on the unconscious. But the unconscious is buried and inaccessible meaning the individual knows only a small portion of his personality because most of it is not accessible. We are mainly aware of the conscious and not much of unconscious. Here, we are confronted with pre-conscious or subconscious or available memory. This is not actively conscious, but an individual can have an access to it whenever he wants, but to a limited extent, though he has to search for it. Sigmund Freud's theory is likened to an iceberg, because the conscious is a small part that shows above the surface, while the biggest unconscious cunningly stays below the surfac e and does not become visible at all. "Freud suggested that all our behavior is motivated by the desire to feel pleasure. That motivation is organized and directed by two instincts: sexuality (Eros), and aggression (Thanatos). Freud conceptualized both these instincts as being powered by a form of internal psychic energy that he called libido" http://intropsych.mcmaster.ca/intropsych/1aa3/Person/lec2-1.htm Allpsychonline - http://allpsych.com/psychology101/ego.html Dr. Freud presented the best known theories of personality that have remained equally controversial. His stages of Psycho-Sexual development consisting of the Oral Stage (birth to 18 months), the Anal Stage (18 months to three years), the Phallic Stage (3 to 6 years), the Latency period (6 to puberty) and the Genital stage (puberty on) shocked the prudish late Victorian and other European societies. He said throughout life, a person tries hard to overcome and control many conflicts, mainly all psychological. ""For Freud life is principally concerned with the management of these conflicts with individuals attempting to maximise instinctual gratification while minimising guilt and punishment. Freud's approach has therefore, been described as a conflict management model of the inner world," Pearce (2003, p.2). According to him, instincts are the driving forces of personality and basic conflicts are individual instincts versus society's needs. He said all human behaviour is motivated by life instincts, and he called this motivational energy libido and called sex the most

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gentile Taxonomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gentile Taxonomy - Essay Example While walking to the carpet from the linoleum, the task is classified under the environmental closed. Besides, it falls under the stationary intertribal variability. When considered from the desired outcome, it falls under the body transport with no manipulation. However, when considering walking from a hall going up the stairs, the performance falls under the same consideration with the difference on the body transport, which must be grouped under the manipulation. Walking on the treadmill using escalator will fall under the open environmental condition with motion no intertribal variability. Besides, it falls under the body transport with no manipulation under the desired outcome segment. The last aspect of walking is while holding hands in the treadmill. This task falls under the open environment context but still under the motion no intertrial variability. However, for the desired outcome, it falls under the manipulation in the body transport segment.Improving learning outcomeThe taxonomy enables the learner to perform higher and improve their skills whenever they use the classification later when compared with the previous instances. The taxonomy can used to ensure there is consistency so that one can assess the similarity between different performances. The element of persistence as well can be used improved using the classification by ensuring that the skills gained by the learner last over time. The model can enable the learner perform other activities thereby reducing the demand for attention.

The History and General Overview of Gay Marriages Research Paper

The History and General Overview of Gay Marriages - Research Paper Example Thirty eight states in the US have adopted provisions that prohibit same sex marriage. This is achievable through the adoption of the â€Å"defense of marriage† provisions in the US constitutions. Universally, marriage means a legal union between a man and woman. The couples become husband and wife in the institution of marriage. There are various states known to ban same sex marriages and gender (Samar 54). In the twenty states of US, they have placed this language when it comes to their state constitutions. An additional ten states have legislative language that adopts the restrictive language. This does not include Washington and Maryland as of this year (2012) they adopted laws that allowed same sex marriages. Currently, there are also six states and the District of Columbia permits marriage by persons of the same sex. The highest courts in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Iowa ruled that the state's constitution did recommend same sex partners to be accorded similar rights as the opposite sex. In DC, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire, their legislative organs have passed legislative changes to allow same sex marriage (Samar 55). The above mentioned states perform same sex marriages. ... Marriage in different states is a secular activity, and the government should not start making laws just because religion demands (Samar 55). Marital Benefit Gay couples deserve to enjoy the benefits other married couples do enjoy. Such benefits will include shared ownership and having the decision making capacity. Marriage is more than just a legal status. The legal status is instrumental in regards to the subject of tax, ownership of property, benefits from the insurance, and agency laws. It can also affect serious medical decisions (Samar 55). Medical decision includes instances of personal incapacitation or surgery. Gay Marriage as a Lifestyle In the today world, homosexuality has become a situation that is acceptable, and there is biological evidence that one been gay is in their DNA. Homosexuality been seen as a deviant sexual behavior for a long time. There are history books and psychological research that supports these allegations. The term lesbian originates from a Greek is land Lesbos (Samar 55). At the same time, there are biological reasons to support homosexuality and the issues of it been genetic are yet to be fully proved. Discrimination of Minorities The foundation of America embraces majority rule, however, a greater deal of protecting the rights of minorities. The Bill of Rights supports the need to protect the rights of minorities, anti slavery, and protection of the equal amendments (Samar 55). This contributes to the opinion that denying gay couples to be married is the same as denying marriage among Hispanic and Black Couples. Should Gay Marriages be supported (NO)? Religion considers it to be Sin Homosexuality is a cardinal sin among various religions around the globe. The basic or societal morals state that homosexuality and gay marriages are

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Racial Stereotypes Essay Example for Free

Racial Stereotypes Essay Theoretically, the present work examined the role of personal endorsement of cultural stereotypes. Devine (1989) proposed that because of the repeated and virtually unavoidable exposure to pervasive cultural stereotypes, both high and low prejudiced individuals will automatically activate these representations when they are presented with representations of those groups regardless of their personal level of endorsement of these stereotypes (i. e. , personal stereotypes). Recently, Lepore and Brown (1997) highlighted an important distinction between stereotype priming and category priming. Stereotype priming involves cueing stereotypic characteristics (e. g. , lazy) directly, with or without the category label (e. g. , Black). Categorization priming occurs when only the category (e. g. , Black) is cued in isolation of any stereotypic characteristics. Lepore and Brown noted that Devines (1989, Study 2) research involved both stereotypic priming and category priming simultaneously, and they observed, Many primes had clear negative connotations that could have directly cued hostility (p. 276). The absence of differences in the responses of high and low prejudiced participants in the Devine study may thus have occurred because of the direct activation of semantic associations involved in stereotype priming rather than because of a close association between the category alone and the stereotype. Lepore and Brown (1997) further argued that high-and low-prejudice peoples representations of the social group may not differ in terms of content (at least for stereotype knowledge) but stronger links may have developed for different characteristics (p. 277). Lepore and Brown reasoned that, as a consequence of this differential strength of associative links with the category, high and low prejudiced people would show divergent automatic stereotype activation as a function of category priming. Consistent with their hypothesis, using Devines (1989, Study 2) priming and subsequent impression formation procedure, Lepore and Brown found that when only the category was primed, high prejudiced participants showed evidence of automatic negative stereotype activation, whereas low prejudiced participants did not (and, in fact, tended to show activation of positive associates). When stereotype priming was involved, however, both high and low prejudiced participants demonstrated comparable levels of stereotype activation. The present research further investigated this theoretical issue by directly examining the relation between personal endorsement of cultural stereotypes (shared beliefs about the characteristics possessed by members of a social group) and the activation of these stereotypes within a category priming paradigm. Because participants were given the time and opportunity to ascribe stereotypic traits deliberately to the particular categories, this process is considered to be controlled. Thus, the degree of the participants endorsement of the cultural stereotypes was expected to vary as a function of prejudice (Devine, 1989; Esses et al. , 1993; Lepore Brown, 1997). Participants activation of cultural stereotypes, alternatively, was assessed with a word pronunciation task. Specifically, participants, who were classified as high or low in prejudice, were presented with a category prime (Black, White, or CCC [a neutral baseline]) followed by a positive or negative Black stereotypic target word or nonstereotypic target word. Their task was simply to pronounce the target word. Response latency was the dependent measure. A number of studies have revealed that this procedure may produce a particularly sensitive measure of automatic processing because the paradigm does not foster task-specific strategies that can obscure the effects of automaticity (Balota Chumbly, 1984; Balota Lorch, 1986; Bargh, Chaiken, Raymond, Hymes, 1996; Joordens Besner, 1992; Ratcliff McKoon, 1988). Conditions for automatic and controlled processing were induced in this paradigm by varying the length of time between the onset of the presentation of the prime and the presentation of the target word. Under short SOAs (stimulus onset asynchronies) (300 ms), responses were assumed to be automatic because the stimuli were presented too briefly for participants to engage, focus, and commit attention intentionally to their responses (Neely, 1977, 1991). Long SOAs (2,000 ms) were assumed to permit more controlled processes because participants had sufficient time to manipulate their responses strategically. In the present study, the repeated presentation of racial category primes and stereotypic traits makes the racial focus of the task salient, which normally produces motivations to respond in socially desirable, unbiased ways (Dovidio Fazio, 1992), even in simple response latency tasks (Messick Mackie, 1989).

Dona Perfecta Essay Example for Free

Dona Perfecta Essay Dona Perfecta, written by B. Perez Galdos, is a novel that explores the conflict between the new progressive movement and the old religious school of thought. This conflict takes place in the small Spanish village of Orbajosa. Narrow-minded Catholic zealots dominate Orbajosa. The most prominent of the zealots is Dona Perfecta. Dona is traditional catholic and strives to fight any opposition to her fixed beliefs. Pepe Rey, her nephew, presents the biggest challenge to Dona because he is an engineer who relies on scientific fact rather than religious faith. Dona feels as though Pepe is challenging her and the towns’ livelihood. This belief leads Dona to not only turn the town against Pepe, but also to have him killed. Dona’s Catholic belief system is only a facade to her evil nature. The town of Orbajosa is presented to be a small yet inviting town. Pepe is welcomed to the town warmly and happily. Dona is the first to greet Pepe when the narrator states, â€Å"the sincere expression of her affection, was receiving him at the gate itself in her loving arms† (23). Dona appears to be a very loving and hospitable character. She also surprises Pepe with her lengthy preparations to his room when the narrator states, â€Å"Pepe recognized in all the details of the room the diligent and loving hand of the woman† (24). Dona has proven that she is capable of being kind and loving towards those who pose no threat to her lifestyle. However, it is only when Pepe denounces religion that Dona feels threatened and begins to revel her evil nature. When Pepe and the town canon, Don Inocencio, meet, the men clash with their ideals. Both are intelligent and therefore, are stubborn. Pepe reveals to Don Inocencio that science is more valid than religion when he states, â€Å"Mysticism in religion, routine in science, mannerism in art, are failing, as the Pagan gods fell† (36). Pepe expresses his opinions about science and religion without any hesitation. Don Incencio and the towns’ people of Orbajosa feel that Pepe is resolutely against their beliefs. Increasing animosity is the result of Pepe’s progressive mind-set. Dona feels as though Pepe is a liability to the town’s way of life and the only way to get rid of the problem is to exterminate it completely. Dona is desperate to get rid of Pepe. She knows that Pepe poses the possibly to contaminate the towns ideals with his progressive philosophy. Dona decides that the town must turn against Pepe. Dona accuses Pepe of being disrespectful in the church when she states, â€Å"between thinking things and showing them in that irreverent manner, there is a distance which a man of good sense and good breeding should never cross† (56). Dona feels the need to make baseless accusations about Pepe in order to sway the public opinion against Pepe. Pepe himself recognizes the absurdity of Dona’s accusation when he states, â€Å"I have shown no contempt for any one, nor do I entertain the ideas which you attribute to me† (57). Pepe is troubled by the idea that his own aunt would accuse him of such trivial acts. Pepe knows that his progressive ideals are threatening to the town and are creating distrust between him and Orbajosa. Dona knows that the only way to truly get rid of Pepe is to kill him. Dona is consumed with the idea that the town of Orbajosa is transitioning from a traditional mindset to a progressive mindset. In reaction, Dona orders the killing of Pepe. She then lies about the killing saying that Pepe committed suicide when she states, â€Å"Pepe Rey at about twelve o’clock last night entered the garden of the house and shot himself in the right temple† (218). Dona manufactured this lie in order to cover up her evil action. Dona resorted to extreme and evil measures in order to preserve her way of thought. Her name Dona Perfecta is ironic in the sense that Dona is far from perfect because she is evil. The injustice that Dona commits revels not only the true hypocritical nature of Dona but also the hypocritical nature of Orbajosa as a whole. Dona Perfecta uses the conflict between Pepe and Dona to show the strong opposition the progressive movement faces. While Pepe was welcomed at first, he was soon ostracized and persecuted for his thoughts. The towns’ people of Orbajosa felt Pepe might threaten their way of life. Extreme measures were taken by Dona to put Pepe to rest. Perhaps Galdos intends the reader to see that while people may appear to be good, in reality, they are not what they seem.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Developing a game levels

Developing a game levels ABSTRACT: This dissertation is focused on the Current FPS Game Levels Played and Suggests how to Develop a Game level based on a gamers Feed backs. The full content and the Procedure of the Dissertation is based on experiences and first hand research In this dissertation you find all the needed data about how to create a level and the proper procedure of developing a level based on Gamers feed back. The process explained in this dissertation is much simpler and organized for the current generation of gaming We shall discuss on how to start of by understanding the current generation of Gamers and how to create a proper game level with the researched data. This dissertation explains the procedure thoroughly in such a way that it can be implemented at any given generations of gaming. The procedure can be used by any game designer. They can use the implemented data and get optimal result based on their first hand research. AIM: To analyze the perceptions of gamers and to develop a proper game level using their feed backs OBEJECTIVE: To explain the procedure for a proper game level To analyze the current status of gaming To evaluate the research data and come out with a proper conclusion To analyze the dos and donts for creating a level To provide a guideline to level designers to use researched materials To make a recommendation for creating a proper level in future METHODS: Establishing a targeted audiences A survey of current practice in different types of levels A survey of current practice in different types of themes used in levels A survey of current practice in different types of genres A series of case studies about the most popular levels A review of historical perspective of level designing A qualitative evaluation of gamers review Summary of Chapters Describing what is a game level The first phase is Introduction and brief history about level design. Readers will get a brief introduction about the topic and will also get to read some of the brief history Preparing for survey research The second phase is preparing a proper survey question for the audience. This phase is really important and will make you understand the current generation of gaming Establishing Targeted Audiences The third phase explains about choosing the right audiences for your research Interviewing them Individually The fourth phase will a face 2 face interview with the gamers and asking them questions according to the survey Analyzing the Researched Data The Fifth phase will be analyze all the researched data and create a proper chart of everything Pre Production ( Concepts Layouts And Design) The sixth phase we have to create concept arts and layouts according to the Chart Production ( Prototype and Modeling the Map) The Seventh Phase is the production part. Where we will be creating a proper prototype and then move on to creating the level Post Production ( lighting, Effects and Finalization) The Eighth phase is the finalization phase. Where we should have a proper working level. Then testing and balancing the level Selling your level The final phase is how to release and sell your level Introduction: Building levels is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I can think of. Taking pure imagination and making it come alive is absolutely addictive-a creative process so immersive and consuming that youll start craving it when you havent done it for too long. Some people think the fun is in playing the game, but, for a few special people, creating and building the environments in which other people play causes mere game playing to pale in comparison. If youre reading this book, you are probably one of those special people who have that compulsion to create, and, with your creation, entertain. Level design is a mixture of art and science. Level design requires artistic skills and as well as extensive technical knowledge. Any level designer with professional skills will no succeed by grasping current generation of gaming, game flow and pacing. A level designer who understands this structure has no architectural or Art experience will fail as well. Level designing is creations of levels in which the player interacts with the game environment to play in the game universe. A level is created by using the level design tools in an existing engine or even a new engine can be created to create your own level design according to your user interface and shortcuts. Many famous company usually develop there own level editor. This way they can keep up with the current generation of gaming and save a lot a time. Creating a level design might be easy for any level designer but the main question will the level sell or liked by the gamers? At least more than 100 of levels are posted online for different games out of which only very few get chosen and liked by gamers. The whole point of level design is How addictive and competitive is your level? Will it be played again and again? Will it sell in the market? In this dissertation you will get to see a complete guide on how to create a game level based on gamers feedback. And give you a complete solution on developing a working level which will sell in the market easily. The methods described in this dissertation can be analyzed and used at time of the gaming generation. The whole process revolves in an around gamers of current gaming generations. This dissertation is specially designed for wide range of people. Actually, the first priority group for this dissertation is game level designers. And this dissertation also explains how a level can be created by using the feedbacks of current generation of gaming. This dissertation is should be read from start to finish because you come to know that each chapter has it own meaning and importance. Chapter 1: Describing what is a game level Level designing is the creations of levels in a level editor by a level designer. To create a proper level design by a level designer needs artistic as well as architectural skills. Level is one who is never afraid to step back and re-correcting their content. A great designer needs to throw content out or work on concepts that needs attention A level designer creates a level try to sell it and make it famous it doesnt work why because the level? Have mention the reason below concept is boring and repetitive Themes are repetitive and not new Is not built properly Doesnt understand the current gaming generation Proper obstacles are not used It is extremely important for a level designer to recognize a proper level. Instead of making a same level which concept is already used? They should try to come out with something really new when his work is not coming together. In one instance a games become tired of playing the same level with the same and boring content over and over. A great level might gets scrapped or reworked because a designing cycle is dragging on and a gamers who plays it feels the work is not as fresh and new. A designer must recognize that their view is tainted. One good possibilities of creating a good level is by understanding the gamers of the current gaming generations History: In the earlier days there was no such thing has level designer. Everything was done by the programmer. So basically the game programmer does the programming part and the level designing part. The Beginning 1975-1980 In the beginning people never really cared about the levels in the games are played because. The first games where were developed didnt need that much of attention for levels. MUDs was one of the firsts games that actually required a lots of attention and time to the level designs .This Game was developed by Ralph Koster, Brad McQuaid, Mark Jacobs, Brian Green and J.Todd Coleman. A MUD ( multi-user dungeon ), is a multi-user real-time virtual world which is described entirely in text. Basically the game is a text based game. It have different features of elements like RPG ( role-playing-games), Interactive fictions and online chatting. Users actually got to see a lot in this game because of the details of the description such as rooms, object, other players, non-players characters, and actions performed in the virtual world Players interacts with each other by typing in commands. The designers where assigned to create new paths, design and tools for this game. The game interface used in this was ZZT, which was a early notable interface for mapping and event scripting, and it is still gentlest way to introduce a person to a level layout. Then later on game in 1978 the game Space invaders was created by Tomohiro Nishikado Space invaders was a two-dimensional game were you have to control a spaceship shooting at alien moving forward towards you. The whole was created and designed by Tomohiro Nishikado Himself. There was not much of details for the level of this game. But later on when it was popular in the market Different version was released in 2D and 3D In 1978 the famous game Adventure was created in Atari. This game was created based on the text based game called as Colossal Cave Adventure This game was developed by Atari and the designer of this game was Warrenn Robinnett the level designed in this game are simple maze where the players has to find the key get to the door by dodging all the obstacles and enemies on his way In the Middle (1980-1998) In 1980 The great game which is still played now was created. The game Pac Man It was the most best played in the earlier 80s. The creator of the game was Toru Iwantani He developed and as well as designed the game fully. If you see level of the game is a maze which makes the game more interesting. This game was so popular that later on it manufacture again with more difficulty and designs In 1985, the famous side scroller 2D game was created Super Mario Bros was created by Shingeru Miramato. He was a designer for Nintendo. The 2D level were very simple but yet realistic and nice at that time of gaming generation people played this game over and over and were still not bored of it. There were totally 4 types of different stages in this. The stages of this game had many obstacles and enemies which made the game more interesting In 1993, the first fps (first person shooter) game was released. Wolfenstein 3D this game was created by using a Software called ID software by john carmack. The levels in this game are like mazes. Your main goal is to escape out of the maze like prison. The level designed in this are not that much detailed. Most of the walls and the ceiling have the same color. It was pretty difficult but the game was fun and really enjoyed by the users The Change 1998-2009 In 1998, the game Unreal released and was a massive hit. The game unreal was created by epic games and was really famous for its graphics and sound effects which mad the game so realistic. The unreal released there unreal engine which was so much advanced and better compared to id software which created games like Wolfenstein 3d, Doom etc If you play the game unreal you see that the levels are really scaring and the effects of the game are really incredible. Unreal boosted the expectations of 3D graphics considerably. Unreal was one of the first games which used detailed textures. When player stand next to an object or wall the textures detail will fade in and make look more realistic instead of showing it blurry like other games. The lighting effects took time to develop but the result of it was incredible because the course of the development occurred during the emergence and rapid progression of hardware 3D accelerators. So , with the advanced software 3D render. CHAPTER 2: Preparing for Research Survey In this Chapter you will learn Researching about current gaming Generation Planning your Survey Research Preparing the proper question Research about games played and the market viability Preparing your Survey question Preparing your Survey Form Knowing about current gaming generation: Gaming generations are defined as the video games released from the day of existence till now. The generations are In 1970, the first generation also known as golden age of video games was the phase when people came to know the existence of gaming. This was the time when the first generations of consoles were released. For example the Brown Box these consoles got famous among the people because of the release of revolutionary technology. Then in the first generation the main frame computers were released. Later on the Home computers were introduced to programmers were they get to program simple games. In 1977, the Second generation of gaming started was the earliest consoles were made. In this generation the video games were found on cartridges, with the release of the Fairchild Video Entertainment System (VES). The games were programmed and burned onto a ROM chip which was mounted on a cartridge which will be plugged into slots on the console Three machines which dominated Second generation consoles are. Video Computer System ( VCS) Intellivision ColecoVision In 1983, the third generation was the innovation of genre, in this period the different types of genres were introduced to the Market. Such as Adventure, Fighting, Maze games, Platform Etc. The gaming computers were introduced with basic programming environment and advanced graphics. The famous consoles of this generation were the Nintendo 8 bit console and sega masters console. In 1990, the fourth generation was a change from transition from pixels to full 3D graphics and the rise of several new genres such as FPS ( first-person shooter) and RPG (Role playing games) . Mobile Phone gaming was introduced in this generation. Some of the famous console of this generation is the Sega mega drive and the super nes. The CD-ROM drives were first introduced in this generation. For the Pc games and Basic 3D graphics entered the main stream with flat shaded polygons which made the gaming more famous in this generation. In 1993, the fifth generation gaming was full on with CDs and not with Cartridges. In this period lot of companies released console with 3DO Interactive Multiplayer. The fifth generation was famous because of fully 3D games. Transitions to 3D and CDs happened in this generation. Most of the Designer moved from 2D to full 3D genre games. Some of the famous consoles of this generation are Sony playstation, Sega jaguar In 1998, the sixth generation gaming the gaming level was way beyond compared to the past were all the people switched to full 3D gaming and the rise of alternate controllers and also online gaming rises to prominence like online MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) were introduced. The rise of pc causal games such as Bejeweled, Dinner Dash which really addictive among the adults. Some of the consoles of this Generation are Playstation2, Microsoft XBOX Game boy Advanced Etc. Since 2004, the current (Seventh) generation of gamers has taken effect. In the starting some of the handheld consoles were introduced with 3D graphics. (PSP, Nintendo DS) which was really famous among people. The Seventh generation of consoles was released by the well known companies (Sony playstaion3, Microsoft Xbox360 and Nintendo Wii) which is still famous among people and most played currently. Apple inc. enters the realm of gaming by bringing iPhone and iTouch. The computer gaming was way beyond imagination with high end 3D graphics. Famous company Nvidia Introduced the new 3D goggles for the feel of realistic 3D effect sitting at home.