
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Evo Devo in the Study of Biology

Have you heard anyone ever talk about evo-devo? Does it sound like some sort of synthesizer-heavy band from the 1980s? It is actually a relatively new field in the realm of evolutionary biology that explains how species, that start out so similarly, become so diverse as they develop. Evo devo stands for evolutionary developmental biology and has just started being included in the Modern Synthesis of the Theory of Evolution within the past few decades. This field of study encompasses many different ideas and some scientists disagree on what all should be included. However, all who study evo devo agree that the foundation of the field is based on the gene level of inheritance which leads to microevolution. As an embryo develops, certain genes need to be activated in order for the traits carried on that gene to be expressed. Most of the time, there are biological clues for these genes to turn on based on the age of the embryo. Sometimes, environmental conditions can trigger the expression of the developmental genes as well. Not only do these triggers turn on the gene, they also direct the gene on how to be expressed. There are subtle differences between the arms of different animals that are determined by how the genes that carry the trait for limb development are expressed. The same gene that creates a human arm can also create a sparrows wing or a grasshoppers leg. They are not different genes, as previously thought by scientists. Evo Devo and the Theory of Evolution What does this mean for the Theory of Evolution? First and foremost, it lends credibility to the idea that all life on Earth came from a common ancestor. This common ancestor had the exact same genes we see today in all of our modern species. It is not the genes that have evolved over time. Instead, it is how and when (and if) those genes are expressed that has evolved. Also, it helps to give an explanation for how the beak shape of Darwins finches on the Galapagos Islands could have evolved. Natural Selection is the mechanism that chooses which of these ancient genes are expressed and ultimately how they are expressed. Over time, the differences in gene expression led to the great diversity and large numbers of different species we see in the world today. The theory of evo devo also explains why so few genes can create so many complex organisms. It turns out that the same genes are used over and over again but in different ways. The genes that are expressed to create arms in humans may also be used to create legs or even a human heart. Therefore, it is more important how the genes are expressed than how many genes are present. Developmental genes across species are the same and can be expressed in a nearly unlimited number of ways. Embryos of many different species are nearly indistinguishable from each other at the early stages before these developmental genes are turned on. Early embryos of all species have gills or gill pouches and similar overall shapes. It is crucial for these developmental genes to be activated correctly at the right time and at the right place. Scientists have been able to manipulate genes in fruit flies and other species to make limbs and other body parts grow in different places on the body. This proved these genes control many different parts of embryo development. The field of evo devo reaffirms the validity of using animals for medical research. An argument against animal research is the obvious difference in complexity and structure between humans and the research animals. However, with such similarities on a molecular and gene level, studying those animals can give insight into the human, and particularly the development and gene activation of humans.

Definition of Yellow Journalism

Yellow Journalism was a term used to describe a particular style of reckless and provocative newspaper reporting that became prominent in the late 1800s. A famous circulation war between two New York City newspapers prompted each paper to print increasingly sensationalistic headlines designed to lure readers. And ultimately the recklessness of the newspapers may have influenced the United States government to enter the Spanish-American War. The competition in the newspaper business was occurring at the same as the papers began to print some sections, particularly comic strips, with colored ink. A type of quick-drying yellow ink was used to print the clothing of a comic character known as â€Å"The Kid.† The color of the ink used wound up giving a name to the raucous new style of newspapers. The term stuck to such an extent that â€Å"yellow journalism† is still sometimes used to describe irresponsible reporting. The Great New York City Newspaper War The publisher Joseph Pulitzer turned his New York City newspaper, The World, into a popular publication in the 1880s by focusing on crime stories and other tales of vice. The front page of the paper often featured large headlines describing news events in provocative terms. Pulitzer was known to hire editors who were particularly skilled at writing headlines designed to entice readers. The style of selling newspapers at the time involved newsboys who would stand on street corners and yell out samples of headlines. American journalism, for much of the 19th century, had been dominated by politics in the sense that newspapers were often aligned with a particular political faction. In the new style of journalism practiced by Pulitzer, the entertainment value of the news began to dominate. Along with the sensational crime stories, The World also was known for a variety of innovative features, including a comics section that began in 1889. The Sunday edition of The World passed 250,000 copies by the end of the 1880s. In 1895 William Randolph Hearst bought the failing New York Journal at a bargain price and set his sights on displacing The World. He went about it in an obvious way: by hiring away the editors and writers employed by Pulitzer. The editor who had made The World so popular, Morill Goddard, went to work for Hearst. Pulitzer, to battle back, hired a brilliant young editor, Arthur Brisbane. The two publishers and their scrappy editors battled for New York City’s reading public. Did a Newspaper War Provoke a Real War? The newspaper  style produced by Hearst and Pulitzer tended to be fairly reckless, and there’s no question that their editors and writers were not above embellishing facts. But the style of journalism became a serious national issue when the United States was considering whether to intervene against Spanish forces in Cuba in the late 1890s. Beginning in 1895, American newspapers inflamed the public by reporting on Spanish atrocities in Cuba. When the American battleship Maine exploded in the harbor at Havana on February 15, 1898, the sensationalist press cried out for vengeance. Some historians have contended that Yellow Journalism prompted the American intervention in Cuba which followed in the summer of 1898. That assertion is impossible to prove. But there’s no doubt that the actions of President William McKinley were ultimately influenced by the enormous newspaper headlines and the provocative stories about the destruction of the Maine. Legacy of Yellow Journalism The publication of sensationalistic news had roots stretching back in the 1830s when the famous murder of Helen Jewett essentially created the template for what we think of as tabloid news coverage. But the Yellow Journalism of the 1890s took the approach of sensationalism to a new level with the use of large and often startling headlines. Over time the public began to distrust newspapers which were obviously embellishing facts. And editors and publishers realized that building credibility with readers was a better long-term strategy. But the impact of the newspaper competition of the 1890s still lingered to some extent, especially in the use of provocative headlines. Tabloid journalism lived on in major American cities, especially in New York, where the New York Daily News and New York Post often battled to serve up engaging headlines. The tabloid headlines we see today are in some ways rooted in the newsstand battles between Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, along with the clickbait of todays online media — the term for internet content designed to lure readers to click and read, has roots in the Yellow Journalism of the 1890s.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Comparing Japan and Russias Response to industrialization...

In the early 19th century Russian rulers did anything in their power to keep the French plague from infiltrating Russia. The French Plague was a gradual move towards freedom and a more influential say in government. Russia avoided the French Plague by a period of isolation and oppression of their people. Japan also had a long period of isolation. The Japanese believed in the Mandate of Heaven or that there culture was the best. Because of their ethnocentric culture, only one Japanese port, Nagasaki, was open to traders once a year. During the late 19th century, both Russia and Japan were forced to make reforms and modernize by industrialization. They both had to do so rapidly because of Western interference and the Wests increasing†¦show more content†¦In both nations the political power was centralized. The tsar appointed zemstvoes, or local political councils that regulated roads, schools and other regional policies. The zemstvoes undertook important inquiries into local p roblems. They owed the tsars complete and utter loyalty. In Japan in 1871 when the new Meiji government took over they abolished feudalism, replacing the daimyos with a system of nationally appointed prefects. Prefects are district administrators who are picked from different regions. The prefects like the Russian zemstvoes owed complete loyalty to the emperor. The Meiji rulers began to widen the power of the state to effect social and economic change. Another similarity was that both Russia and Japan improved their military. Russias officer corps was reformed by promotion by merit and newly organized essential services. Peasants were able to be recruited and they learned new skills from their military service. In Japan a stronger military unit replaced the samurai with weapons, advanced technology, and a high sense of organization. Industrialization was part of the greater process of change. The trans-Siberian railroad connected European Russia with the Pacific Ocean. The railroad directly expanded Russias coal and iron sectors. The Railroad also fueled the export of grain to the West, which became necessary to earn foreign currency for advanced WesternShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesvery coherent unit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. ARead MoreSixteen Most Significant Events in U.S. History between 1789 to 19756920 Words   |  28 PagesSupreme Court in United States history. The case, which was presided over in 1803 by Chief Justice John Marshall, concerned President Adamss appointment of William Marbury as Justice of the Peace in the District of Columbia. Adamss term ended before Marbury took office, and James Madison, the new Secretary of State, attempted to withhold the appointment. Marbury petitioned the Supreme Court under Section 13 of the Judiciary Act of 1789 to force Madison to grant the appointment. The court

Public Vs Private Health Care Coverage Essay - 744 Words

Public versus Private Health Care Coverage The United States (U.S.) has a multitude of options for health care coverage. People have the option for private or public coverage. One example of public coverage is Medicaid and an example of private coverage is Blue Cross and Blue Shield (HCSC, 2015). There are many differences between each health care option, the biggest difference is the price you are paying. This paper will discuss the differences between private and public health insurances as well as the cost for each. Private health insurance plans frequently are offered through a person’s job. When an individual acquires health insurance this way their workplace covers part of the cost for their insurance. Frequently, they are offered different plans for different prices. Once these plans are chosen, typically, a premium fee will be deducted from that person’s pay checks (Colorado.Gov, 2015). On top of these premiums the individual will also have other fees such as co-pays, deductibles, or co-insurance (Colorado.Gov, 2015). Private plans can also be purchased without an employer’s help, the individual will be expected to cover the premium payment of the plan as well as all of the matching extra fees (Colorado.Gov, 2015). Medicaid is a public health insurance that is federally funded for those who do not have private health insurance (Families USA, 2014). In the U.S. one out of every five adults and one out of every three children use Medicaid (Families USA, 2014).Show MoreRelatedHealthcare Systems And The United Kingdom1547 Words   |  7 Pagesmeans for the health and wealth of the citizens of these countries. The U.S. and the U.K. are two different countries with two very different healthcare systems. The U.S. healthcare system is the Affordable Care Act, (ACA) and is the attempt by the U.S. to provide affordable healthcare coverage. he U.K. healthcare system is publicly financed and managed by the National Health Service, (NHS). The U.S. healthcare system is largely private sector whereas the healthcare in the U.K. is public. â€Å"The U.SRead MoreHealthcare Between Canada And The United States1240 Words   |  5 Pagesuniversal coverage, no financial barriers, more equitable, no coinsuranc e and unequal drug benefits and the health insurance plan is administered in each province by a public agency which operates on a non-profit basis and is responsible to the provincial government; whereas, the United States have some financial barriers, there is no universal public health insurance and access primarily depends on the type and extent of coverage, responsible for administering and controlling the health care systemRead MoreUs Healthcare Plan Vs. Uk Healthcare909 Words   |  4 PagesUS Healthcare Plan vs. UK Healthcare Plan While it s difficult to estimate the exact number of Americans without health insurance at any given moment, most credible sources place this figure at between 40 and 45 million. In other words, one American in seven lacks even basic health insurance coverage (How Many Americans Really Do Not Have Health Insurance? n.d.). The responsibility of an average American today, is to obtain healthcare insurance through private insurance, employer benefits, orRead MoreCanada s A Single Payer1492 Words   |  6 PagesWhen discussing health care systems, Canada’s is often used as a possible model for the US. The two countries systems are very different being that Canada has a single payer, mostly publicly funded system, while the US has a multi-payer, heavily private system. So much of the appeal of the Canadian system is that is does more for less. They provide universal access to health care for its citizens, while almost one in five non-elderly Americans are uninsured. Many of these findings come from theRead MoreCanada Vs. United States Health Care1496 Words   |  6 Pages Canada vs United States Health Care President Obama promised to all Americans that they would finally have an opportunity to obtain or purchase health insurance in the United States for the first time and for those that already had insurance he promised to them that they would be able to keep the insurance they already had and it would not increase because of Obama Care. After the passing of Obama Care the only truth was that Americans could purchase health care but other than that the rest wereRead MoreWhat Is Universal Health Coverage?1381 Words   |  6 PagesIntro: What is universal health coverage? As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), the primary advocate, universal health coverage (UHC) is defined as â€Å"ensuring that all people can use the promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship,† (What is universal coverage?). To put this formal definition in laymen’sRead MoreThe United States Vs. Canadian Healthcare System882 Words   |  4 Pages The  United States  vs. Canadian Healthcare System ​There are different models of universal healthcare systems. The first is compulsory insurance which demands that residents should buy insurance; various legislations usually enforce this request.   Another type of universal insurance is the single payer health care system which  is defined  by the government providing funding for the health care services. The United States health care system uses the former while Canadian system utilizes the latterRead MoreThe United States Vs. Canadian Healthcare System875 Words   |  4 PagesThe United States vs. Canadian Healthcare System There are different models of universal healthcare systems. The first is compulsory insurance which demands that residents should buy insurance; various legislations usually enforce this request. Another type of universal insurance is the single payer health care system which is defined by the government providing funding for the health care services. The United States health care system uses the former, while the Canadian system utilizes the latterRead MoreThe United States Health Care System1449 Words   |  6 PagesStates health care system is the most expensive in the world. It spends more than 16% of its gross domestic product (GDP) on health care, (the highest per person in the world), but ranks behind most countries on many measures of health outcomes, quality, and efficiency. In 2012, over 47 million people were un-insured and millions were under-insured⠁ ´. The cost of health care is rising at least twice as fast as the rate of economic growth. Major companies are pa ssing more of the cost of health careRead MoreHealthcare And The United States Vs. Healthcare Essay1262 Words   |  6 PagesHealthcare in the United States vs Healthcare in Mexico The healthcare policies in Mexico and the United States are similar in that both healthcare systems utilize a combination of public and private insurance (freecontentweb.com). Healthcare has rapidly become an important topic in many countries. This comparison will focus on similarities in healthcare reform, healthcare insurance availability, healthcare access, and healthcare cost of both countries. Prior to healthcare reform in the US and Mexico

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Intensity of Sound Research and Public Health

Question: 1) Identify and describe the six main factors that determine the duration and severity of noise-induced hearing loss. 2) Identify and describe three physiologic non-auditory effects of noise. 3) Identify and define three eye disorders and discuss how each is related to the occupational environment. Answer: 1. The six factors that determine the duration and severity of noise-induced hearing loss are identified to be, Firstly, Intensity of sound which is directly proportional to the ear damage. The lowest sound that is audible to the human ear is 0 dB and the highest is 180 Db. Exposure to a high intensity of sound says 85 dB or above for prolonged period may significantly damage hearing (Seidman Standring, 2010). Secondly, Frequency of sound, the measure of a pitch. It is measured in Hertz. The pitch is directly proportional to the frequency of sound. A pitch of about 2000- 4000 Hertz is recognized to cause hearing loss. During the noise induced hearing loss, people cannot hear sound with higher frequencies (Smith et al., 2014). Thirdly, Duration, the length of exposure to noise. Longer the duration of the exposure to noise, the more is the hearing loss. For the unprotected ear, the highest level of the permissible noise per day is 115 dB for 15 minutes. Fourthly, Occupational noise, the sound related to the workplace, say noise exposure in construction sites, Iron and Steel industries (machinery, etc.). Regular exposure to 85 dB or noise level above it is known to cause significant hearing loss gradually (Le Prell et al., 2012). Fifthly, Non-occupational noise, the sound related to community, environmental or residential areas such as noise due to lawn mowers, musical instrument, firecrackers, etc. When exposed on the regular basis, it can directly affect hearing. Lastly, Genetic factors may be responsible for hearing loss, which is gradually manifested with aging. Older people commonly have hearing loss problem; however, it may or may not be due to genetic effect (Smith et al., 2014). 2. Prolonged exposure to noise may cause non-auditory effects in addition to hearing loss such as hypertension, mental health problem, respiration problem, sleeping problem, and muscle stress. The physiologic non-auditory effects of the noise are discussed in subsequent sections. Occupational noises are mainly higher than residential or community noise and mostly cause the non-auditory effects. For example, traffic noise, construction areas, airports. According to Pirrera et al., (2010), exposure to environmental noise, can increase annoyance, results in sleep loss and a causative factor of cardiovascular disease. It is accompanied by hypertension, changes in the pattern of the heartbeat, changes in the diameter of blood vessels especially those in skin, change in blood pressure and changes in heart rate. Patients with cardiovascular diseases are highly susceptible to stroke and hence are recommended to stay indoors or in the environment with little noise. Experimental studies conducted by Basner et al., (2014) in laboratory conditions showed that continuous exposure to noise disturbs the Mental health. It decreases the ability to sustain attention. It is associated with the increase in annoyance and stress, with constant exposure to high level of noise. Researchers thus believe noise as "non-specific stressor" that disrupts mental health. Literature research provides evidence of the sleeping disorder that is Insomnia resulting due to noise exposure for prolonged period. Loss of sleep may be caused by disturbed nerve cells, increased muscle tension and changes in respiratory reflexes. Muscle tension occurs due to loud noise. Muscles burst into activities by more contraction for protecting the body from exposure to loud noise. Similarly, loud noise tends to alter the respiratory rhythms (Le Prell et al., 2012). 3. Several eye disorders have been identified that arise due to a workplace environment. For example, IT professionals spend more time in front of the computers developing myopia or hypermetropia. Workers with the high level of eye injuries include those working in construction sites, chemical industries, and other manufacturing services. The primary eye disorders related to the occupational environment are: Firstly, Low vision, people may not be able to see objects that are near to eye or at long distance. The former is called shortsightedness, and the later is called long sightedness. The increase in eye pressure changes the size of eye-lenses. People who are mainly vulnerable to low vision problem include IT professionals, teachers, drivers, tailors, carpenters, etc. This kind of work requires high focus thus gradually affecting the eyes over time. In several cases, low vision gradually leads to blindness (Liu et al., 2013). Secondly, Chemical eye burn, employees in Chemical industries is exposed to harmful substances that may be toxic in nature. The severity of the eye injury depends on the pH of the chemical. Early signs of chemical burn include pain, irritation, tearing, and redness, swelling of the eyelids and blurred vision. Delay of treatment in case of the acid or alkali burn may cause permanent vision impairment, glaucoma, and cataract (Berger et al., 2013). Surgeries may not always be successful in the delay of treatment causing permanent damage to vision. Thirdly, Conjunctivitis, characterized by the redness of eyes and severe inflammation. The causative factors are the virus, pollutants, pollens, smoke, etc. It occurs mainly in workers dealing with pesticides, fertilizers, gardeners, factories having machines, which produce the significant amount of smoke. As the employees work bare eyes, they are highly vulnerable to such infections (Smedley et al., 2013). References Basner, M., Babisch, W., Davis, A., Brink, M., Clark, C., Janssen, S., Stansfeld, S. (2014). Auditory and non-auditory effects of noise on health.The Lancet,383(9925), 1325-1332. Berger, S., McAteer, J., Schreier, K., Kaldenberg, J. (2013). Occupational therapy interventions to improve leisure and social participation for older adults with low vision: A systematic review.American Journal of Occupational Therapy,67(3), 303-311. Le Prell, C. G., Henderson, D., Fay, R. R., Popper, A. N. (2012).Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Springer. Liu, C. J., Brost, M. A., Horton, V. E., Kenyon, S. B., Mears, K. E. (2013). Occupational therapy interventions to improve performance of daily activities at home for older adults with low vision: A systematic review.American Journal of Occupational Therapy,67(3), 279-287. Pirrera, S., De Valck, E., Cluydts, R. (2010). Nocturnal road traffic noise: A review on its assessment and consequences on sleep and health.Environment international,36(5), 492-498. Seidman, M. D., Standring, R. T. (2010). Noise and quality of life.International journal of environmental research and public health,7(10), 3730-3738. Smedley, J., Dick, F., Sadhra, S. (Eds.). (2013).Oxford handbook of occupational health. OUP Oxford. Smith, R. J., Shearer, A. E., Hildebrand, M. S., Van Camp, G. (2014). Deafness and hereditary hearing loss overview.

The Right To Die (1712 words) Essay Example For Students

The Right To Die (1712 words) Essay The Right To DieIn John A. Robertsons essay, Cruzan: No Rights Violated, he argues that the decision made by the Missouri Supreme Court to deny Nancy Beth Cruzans parents request to have their daughters artificial nutrition and hydration tube removed was not a violation of Nancy Beth Cruzans right to refuse treatment because she had not personally refused treatment. Robertson also claims that keeping Cruzan alive with this particular medical treatment does not alienate her constitutional rights, or her parents. Robertson states that, A permanently vegetative patient does not have interests that can be harmed, simply because he/she cannot feel pain and doesnt know his/her present condition. Robertson then goes on to say that simply assuming that one would decline treatment in that situation because of his/her prior beliefs is not enough evidence to maintain that the directive was, in fact, released by the said person, and to relieve their self from a state law that orders such a treat ment, the person must have released a directive against that particular treatment. If one were to argue that an incompetent patient has the right to have their medical treatment decided by another person on the presumption that it follows with the patients previous beliefs, Robertson would declare that the patient is much different than they were before and does not reserve a constitutional right to be managed in the same way they would have been. In placing the right to decide Nancys treatment in her parents hands, her parents would be acting in their own interests according to Robertson, and in choosing to stop medical treatment of their daughter, they would be denying their child medical care deemed necessary by the state, which is illegal. With this in mind, Robertson says that the Supreme Court should not extend a familys privacy to include the refusal of necessary treatment when the treatment is not causing harm to the child. Next Robertson says that if a person wants to refu se treatment while incompetent, it is their obligation to make a directive before becoming incompetent in order to refuse treatment on the principle of that particular directive, and that requiring this is not an undue burden on persons who wish to issue directives against medical care when incompetent. If clear evidence does not exist in a past directive, Robertson says that providing the treatment does not alienate a persons right to regulate his/her own care because of the lack of evidence. Robertson says that people who criticize the rulings of the Cruzan case tend to find the Missouri Supreme Courts decision to not allow Nancys parents to have their daughters nutrition and hydration line removed unconstitutional because they overlook the distinctions that he makes in this essay. By looking at these distinctions, Robertson believes that people will see that treating Nancy Cruzan despite her parents dissent does not violate anyones constitutional rights. Lastly, Robertson states Missouri, like most other states, should permit the family to stop Nancys treatment and end their own ordeal. But Missouri violates no constitutional rights in choosing otherwise. The part about Robertsons argument that I disagree with the most is when he says that keeping Nancy connected to the feeding tube does not violate her parents constitutional rights. According to the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, one has the freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances and the Fourteenth Amendment states that, The stated cannot deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law, nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. With these in mind, it is clear that leaving Nancy connected to the tube is violating her parents rights. Her parents are going through plenty of grievances watching their daughter lay there and waste away to nothing because she did not specifically say in writing that she did not want to be attached to a feeding and hydrating line if she ever becomes brain dead. That is inflicting pain and sorrow on her parents and is violating their pursuit of h appiness. According to the First Amendment, the Cruzan family has the right to petition the government to have those grievances removed. Robertson says that this is not right because the family will be doing it in their own interests because the feeding tube is not harming Nancy in any way. I dont believe that because a mother has a right to tell their child to not climb a high tree because they could get hurt. It is not necessarily hurting them, but the parent acts in his/her own interest because they are trying to protect their own child of any possible harm. Removing the feeding tube would eliminate any further harm to their child. Nancy would be able to rest in peace. .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe , .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe .postImageUrl , .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe , .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe:hover , .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe:visited , .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe:active { border:0!important; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe:active , .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u049a58c32cb248efd8d16157aea742fe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo And Juliet Comparison EssayRobertson claims that a person should create specific directives so that if a situation were to happen to you, you could keep from having something against your wishes to be performed, and that making these directives is no undue burden. However, the state is saying that the evidence, or directive, has to be clear and convincing evidence. Which means that a person would have to think of every possible situation they could be in and then think of how they would like to have it dealt with, just in case they are no longer competent to decide. This is a burden on people though. Who wants to sit around and think of the worst possible scenarios o f their lives? Who has the time or the knowledge to do this thoroughly enough to make a clear and convincing directive? We have a right to not have to do that. Thinking of bad outcomes is not happiness and making people do that is a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Lawrence O. Gostin makes a good point towards my argument as well stating, The state, on the other hand, need not submit any proof to support a finding that the patient would not want to continue treatment. Why dont they? Arent they trying to protect the patients interests? The government cannot rightly say that those were her interests. The government has a lack of evidence on their claim that they would want to stay on a treatment. Just because a person feels no pain, does not give us a right to inflict upon them something that would cause pain if they could feel it. Robertson is saying that Nancy is really no longer a person. He is on a similar path with Mary Ann Warren about what defines a person and that becaus e the life form does not posses these particular characteristics, they are not a person and do not reserve the same rights that a person would. Who are they to define a person? Dogs and cats are said to be alive. They have rights to a good life and have laws that protect them against any inhumane treatment. Why should a cat have more rights than a person in Vegetative state?Because Nancy cannot express that she does not want to be on life support to keep her body alive while her mind does not work, does not mean that she does not have a right to die. If her nutrition and hydration line was excavated, she would die of natural causes. This is allowed in bioethics. Not excavating her line is harming her interests. She is still viable. She is alive. She is a person. Because of these she has rights and interests all of which can be harmed. Robertson claims she is not a person any longer. His definition of a person is not clear in his essay, but as I said before, it seems to go along the same path as what Warren thinks a person to be. The criteria for being a person according to Warren are consciousness, reasoning, self motivated activity, the capacity to communicate, and the presence of self-concepts and self-awareness. Nancy no longer possesses any of these criteria, however, she did at one point. Once you are a person, no one can take that away from you. In Warrens argument, one may see this as valid because the fetus was never a person under these criteria, but the argument that Nancy is no longer a person does not fit in with this because she was a person before the accident. Taking away her right to be treated as a person once she is a person does not seem permissible. She did not commit some heinous crime where she deserves to have her rights taken away. She is a victim of sad circumstances, and has the right to no longer have to undergo those circumstances. .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 , .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 .postImageUrl , .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 , .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977:hover , .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977:visited , .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977:active { border:0!important; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977:active , .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977 .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u734fb06c2597f99e3aa97ae1c2617977:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Martin Luther King Jr. Vs Malc EssaySay we were to go along with Robertsons argument that Nancy is no longer a person. I could make an argument somewhat like this: A parent has the right to abort a fetus because it doesnot possess personhood and therefore does not have the rights of a human being that does possess personhood. Nancy no longer possesses personhood so she does not have the rights of a person that does according to Robertson and Warren. Therefore, it is morally permissible to abort Nancy as well. Of course looking at it this way seems really mean, but it is true. If Nancy no longer is a person with a persons rights, then someone has the right to terminate her. The parent has the right to do this not only because of the possession they have over the child, but the fact that they have to bear the grief that goes along with Nancy staying alive. I agree with Robertson when he says that they should permit Nancys parents to stop treatment on their daughter. However, through my arguments I hope I made it clear that I do not agree with Robertsons opinion that the Missouri Supreme Courts ruling violated no ones constitutional rights. I was relieved to learn that a state judge overruled the original judgment and let the parents terminate the treatment of their helpless daughter. BibliographyRobertson, John A. Cruzan: No Rights Violated, Contemporary Issues in Bioethics,Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1999. Gostin, Lawrence O. Life and Death Choices after Cruzan, Contemporary Issues in Bioethics, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1999. Philosophy

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Game Of Life Lof Symbolise Essay Research free essay sample

Game Of Life ( Lof ) Symbolise Essay, Research Paper The Game Of Life I one time saw a film about a adult male and his married woman. They were stranded on a desert island. Together, entirely, full Moon and stars everyplace. Sounds romantic right? Wrong, no cooked nutrient, fruit everyday, no hope for deliverance or anyhow to allow anyone cognize where they were. Not so romantic, merely lifelessly. Now, put a clump of immature childs on an island. Alone, no duty, no regulations, sounds like merriment and games. This game turns into the game of their life. It doesn t bend out really good for anyone but without Piggy s spectacless it is the last game any of these male childs will of all time play. In William Golding s Lord of the Flies Piggy s spectacless are a symbol of hope for deliverance because they provide fire for endurance, the fume signal and represent Piggy s penetration. We will write a custom essay sample on Game Of Life Lof Symbolise Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On country the spectacless symbolize deliverance is they make the fire so the male childs can develop a fume signal for go throughing ships to see. The male childs have no wirelesss, there aren T any cell phones, and they have no manner to inform the remainder of the universe of their place on this immense planet. Then it hits them, We can assist them happen us. If a ship comes near the island they may non detect us. So we must do fume on top of the mountain. We must do a fire. ( 38 ) This is the first great thought they have to utilize Piggy s spectacless. Ralph understands the importance of maintaining the fire traveling. He knows the importance of a smoke signal. Jack lets the fire go out while runing, and Ralph gets really angry. There was a ship out at that place They might hold seen us. We might hold gone place. You and your blood Jack Merridew! You and your hunting! ( 70 ) Without the fume signal they neer will be rescued, but thanks to Piggy s spectacless, some speedy thought , and a batch of fortune, they are. A 2nd country the spectacless give hope is they provide the fire needed for endurance. They need it to cook their nutrient. If they have to be at that place for a long period of clip they will be able for have cooked meat. Fire is a necessity for these male childs, and without Piggy s spectacless they will be wholly lost. Piggy s eyeglasses If the fire is out, we ll necessitate them. ( 67 ) In one case the fire created by the eyeglasses gives the male childs comfort and brings the male childs back together, even after the separation. They portion a common demand for nutrient. Tonight we re holding a banquet. We ve killed a hog and we ve got meat. You can come eat with us if you like. ( 140 ) During this period of segregation the folks come together as one. This common demand is one of the few things Jack and Ralph have in common, and this common demand unites them. It is merely for a small whi lupus erythematosus, but for a short period of clip they have a renewed sense of comfort and hope. All because of a little common end made possible by Piggy s eyeglasses. In add-on, Piggy s spectacless typify hope by stand foring Piggy s penetration. This is partly the ground he develops into the individual and leader he is at the terminal of the book. Through out the whole book, Piggy emerges into an wholly different individual. At the beginning he is a sort of nerdy, shy, male child who is the topic of a batch of ridicule. He is Ralph s right manus adult male, kind of like the adult male behind the drapes drawing the strings and stating the head what to make. Piggy is a reasonably sensitive cat who takes orders and doesn T acquire much regard. You [ Ralph ] told mutton quad. After what I [ Piggy ] said About being called piglet. Better Piggy the Fatty. He [ Ralph ] said at last Now go back, Piggy and take names. That s your occupation. So long. ( 25 ) Piglet puts up with this material for a long clip, about through the whole book. Towards the terminal, Piggy evolves into a leader. He no longer merely takes orders when something is incorrect ; he now gives his input, which is normally right. He isn T afraid to talk up any longer. Let me [ Piggy ] speak I got this { conch ] to state. You re moving like a crowd of childs Which is better- to be a battalion of painted Indians like you are or reasonable like Ralph is? Which is better- to hold regulations and agree or to run and kill? Which is better, jurisprudence and deliverance, or runing and interrupting things up? ( ) Piggy doesn T have his spectacless and he is unsighted ; people are throwing stones at him, but they cant still can t rather the voice of Piggy, the penetration and voice of a leader. The male childs in Lord Of The Fliess have a entire deficiency of hope for deliverance except for Piggy s spectacless. A little piece of plastic and some glass brings these male childs through the hardest clip of their life. The spectacless mean different thing to each of the male childs. Whatever that is, they owe the spectacless their lives. Piggy cherishes his spectacless and cleans them about sacredly. Piggy knows the importance of them and so did William Golding. The spectacless are merely what the narrative demands, a little spot of hope in a universe of apparently eternal hurting. Piggy s eyeglasses are a little spot of saneness in a helter-skelter universe and without them the narrative wouldn T have a happy stoping. Piggy s eyeglassess are non merely a necessity to the male childs, but besides to the reader. It makes the narrative more credible and it makes you about respect the resiliency of the male childs. The spectacless truly conveying Piggy s character about off the pa ges. You can truly see the natural development of Piggy through out the book. The spectacless put the concluding touch on a great novel.

Beowulf Criticism Essay Example For Students

Beowulf Criticism Essay The hero has been looked upon for centuries as a symbol of strength. From the earliest written documents stories have come forth of heroes and their adventures. In the eighth century an unknown poet scribed the story of Beowulf. Within its pages are tales of their hero, Beowulf, and his adventures. Throughout the use of weaponry and armor show the hero through an extension of their power. The Christian impact brings with it the divine power that enables the hero to beat his enemies with weapons and armor of infinite strength. The weapons and armor chosen by a hero, control his ultimate destiny. The instance where Beowulf uses his hands to fight Grendal and ultimately kill him. Beowulf remembers that all power lay in gods hands, therefore he does not pickup his sword, this fight would be undertaken with his brute strength. Our holy father had sent Beowulf as a sign of his grace, a mark of his favor, to help us defeat Grendal and end that terror, (381-83). No synthetic weapon can harm Grendal so to kill him you must fight him with your bare hands. This he did gloriously, with the strength of god. Ripping Grendals arm off using his unmatched power as his weapon of destruction. Beowulf used his hands as a weapon to kill Grendal. Because his chose his hands he was able to defeat Grendal since swords and traditional weapons could not penetrate his skin.Another example of how the superior armory allows victory occurs when Beowulf chooses the divine sword to kill Grendals mother. Then he sawa heavy sword strong and blessed.best of all weapons. 1556-60 saw sword on wall and used it to fight her. The soldiers martial valor is expressed by the sharp visualization of their gear, Clark. Clark expresses his belief that Beowulf visualized victory when he saw the sword. That the image of victory became a reality when he felt the divine strength in the sword his valor rose to heroic levels. Beowulf later goes on to say; Id have been dead at once if our Father in Heaven had not helped me,1656-1658. This proves the divine power felt by Beowulf and shows he felt he could not win without that strength. With sword he could penetrate her skin without the weapon he would have been unable to harm her therefore being killed. The best example of armory controlling ones destiny occurs when Grendals mother stabs Beowulf with dagger but, armor stops its point. She drew a daggerher stabbing blade was blunted by the woven mail shirt he wore on his chest. Mail shirt stopped dagger grendals mother stabbed Beowulf with. He would have been done for, had not God and his loyal mail-shirt helped him,goldsmith. The divine power resurfaces again with the mail shirt possessing the power to stop the daggers point. Goldsmith recognizes the godly force bound to the armor. Without the help of God, Beowulfs destiny would have been compromised. However with the superior armor possessed Beowulfs archetypal destiny remains. Tools a hero chooses allow him to accomplish the task at hand and also keeps him alive. The army with the best weaponry has historically prevailed in all conflicts. Although every army ever assembled believes themselves to have God on their side. Beowulf is different because God gave him the best armory to use. God has granted him the greatest strength to defeat all his enemies. Weapons and armor play the lead role in any combat situation. Hence the phrase Bringing a knife to a gun fight. The victor is obvious right? Heroes today use weapons and armor to beat all their enemies as the American Armed Forces have shown in certain Middle Eastern conflicts. Whoever possesses the superior armory controls the destiny of all antagonized. A lethal conflict requires the right tool for the job.